May 2019
May 3rd
A tour today in
cool windy conditions with
both types of Eagles seen
well, a brief Otter
sighting, both Fallow and
Red Deer and both types of
Seal. Whinchat and Dunlin
were seen which were two
birds Sue one of my guests
really wanted to see. The
Highland Cows and calves
were a highlight for some of
my guests as was the lovely
Bluebell wood in the picture
This will be the last blog
for a while as Pam is going
down south as we have an
emergency in the family and
she is needed to help look
after Grandchildren and is
taking the computer with her
but hopefully things will
return to normal as soon as
possible. Arthur will
be at home and continue with
the tours we have already
May 2nd
A lovely day for a tour although
it got a bit colder later in the day. We
saw several Golden Eagles and White-tailed
Sea Eagles in one location they were
flying together and interacting giving my
guests a great chance to see the
differences between the two species. 2
seperate Otters were also seen although
one was quite distant. My guests enjoyed
seeing the new migrant and passage birds
including Whimbrel, see photo below,
Wheatear and Common Sandpipers appearing
everywere and we now have more Whinchats
joining their resident cousins the
Stonechat. Finally Willow Warblers, we
don't see many but they certainly let you
know they are there with their constant
May 1st
A trip with Pam and Lucy to Iona
to try and see a Corncrake, they should
have started to arrive but nobody had
reported any so it was a bit of a shot in
dark. On our way across to Iona on the
ferry Pam spotted a couple of Common
Terns, my first of the year and the first
reported on Mull this year. On Iona no
sound of Corncrake near the Abbey or
around the fire station so we decided to
go to the beaches on the north of the
island. On our walk we saw lots of little
birds including Skylarks, Meadow Pipits,
Wheatear and Linnet as well as Rooks and
Jackdaws. At the gate at the end of the
road Pam thought she had heard a
Corncrake, I on the other hand hadn't and
as I have better hearing we went on. Then
we both heard the distinct sound of a
Corncrake and the rest as they say is
history, check out the photigraphs.
Another Mull first for Pam and I this
year, we were really pleased and then a
Merlin appeared chasing small birds
another Arthur first of the year, the day
was going spectacularly well.On our way
back to the ferry we saw a pair of Twite a
first for Pam this year and on our way
back to Ardrioch we found a Tree Pipit a
bird that had been eluding us this last
week and Pam at last got her Common
Whitethroat. Lastly Lucy loved her time on
Iona, not sure about the ferry journey
May 31st
perfect day for a tour, warm,
still and overcast, and a perfect
day for me. (Pam) In the first
hour we had seen 4 out of the big
5 species for Mull and by the end
of coffee break we had seen an
Otter. We saw 5 Otters in total,
much to my guests delight, the
final 2 at the end of the day
swimming in clear water below us,
we could see them swimming under
water and the air bubbles coming
to the surface, this does not bode
well for Arthur tomorrow as I
think we had tomorrows share of
Otters today. One of todays many
highlights was a drumming Snipe
who flew around for several
minutes eventually being joined by
a second Snipe, a bird we do not
see very often on our tours. The
Herring Gull with crab and Heron
were also taken by David Brooks.
May 30th
A day you could only dream of,
it was still very hot but we saw Eiders at
the start of the day and this was followed
by a single Curlew. at coffee we had both
Common and Grey Seals, an Otter performing
well and two Golden Eagles being mobbed by
Ravens. As if this wasn't enough there
were Great Northern Divers, Rock Pipits,
Common Sandpipers and Meadow Pipits with a
Skylark seranade. White-tailed Sea Eagles
and Buzzards were seen well and we had a
very good sighting of a male Reed Bunting.
Herons were everywhere as were
Oystercatchers and most of our Gull
species. The day ended with Stonechat,
Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, dust bathing
Skylarks and at least 4 Kestrels seen
well. Then for an encore we had an Adder,
a Hen Harrier interacting with a Buzzard
and to really end an extraordinary day we
saw a Cuckoo. WHAT A DAY. The photo's
below of Rock Pipit, Kestrel hovering and
Meadow Pipit with an insect in it's bill
were taken by tour and Self-catering guest
David Brooks.
May 29th
SCORCIO... Is this really Mull
26 degrees again although the day started
really well with brilliant Hen Harrier and
Adder, then White-tailed Eagle and this
was followed by Cuckoo. The weather then
got hotter and the wildlife a little less
although we did have a very good if brief
sighting of a Golden Eagle being harried
by 2 Ravens. We saw a few Seals but even
they stayed mainly in the water to keep
cool. The Buzzard on its nest is proving a
hit with our guests as did the 2 lovely
Linnets which we saw today. One group of
birds enjoying the weather are hirondines,
with Swallows, Sand Martins and House
martins finding plent of insects to feast
May 28th
Another really hot day today
and, unlike Arthur, I don't do heat and so each time I stopped I
had to position the mini-bus so that boot
lid acted as a sun shade which makes a
change from it's usual use as an
umberella. We had a very good morning
coffee stop when we all enjoyed watching
an Otter first cleaning itself, then
curling up and having a sleep, after about
20 minutes it got up and went to feed with
it's new friend, a Common Seal. Every time
the Otter poped up to the water surface up
poped the seal next to him, after a while
the Otter climbed out onto a small island
and the seal was trying to climb up beside
him, we have seen interaction between
seals and Otters before but it is quite
unusual. White-tail Eagles were flying
well today but the Golden Eagle was more
distant however all my guests enjoyed all
the small birds we saw today and the Adder
at the end of the day.
May 27th
Back on tour duty and the
weather was scorcio, 27 degrees in the
mini-bus but with a very strong gusty warm
wind. Catastrophy, my spotting scope which
was out as we were looking at a very
beautiful Whinchat was blown over by a
very strong gust of wind and to put it
mildly was completely smashed, the
fittings broke in half, the front glass
totally cracked as the metal outside was
crushed in, and to complete my misery the
inner optics no longer work, I can't
understand why! Back to the tour, we had
brilliant views of White-tailed Sea
Eagles, fantastic Adders, very good if
distant Golden Eagles, a very good Otter
which would have been better through the
broken scope but my reserve scope was ok,
coming off the bench but we know why it
was not first choice. Red Deer and both
types of Seal were seen along with
Stonechat, Willow Warbler, Wheatear, lots
of Swallows, House Martins and Sand
Martins and of course 2 Linnets, my
favorite bird, which made my day inspite
of the accident. Thanks to todays guests
Peter Harperl for these 2 stunning
May 18 -26th
Although we did tours at the
start of this period my mind was really on
my Dad who has died and I was thinking
about him and his and our life together
and writing my part of his eulogy. The
services for my Dad were held on the 23rd
at his local chapel and he was buried in a
grave with my mum and it was a lovely if
sad day and all the family shared their
memories and love of Dad. We will be
returning to Mull on Friday and will be
starting doing tours on Sunday 27th when I
will also recommence the regular daily
blog page, thank you for your
understanding. The picture below is of happier
times, one of the last times mum & Dad
visited Mull.
May 17th
A rare day for Discover Mull
Tours all Mulls special species seen very
well in wonderful weather and in awesome
scenery. We started with fantastic Hen
Harrier with a buzzard for company, it was
the Buzzard that made the Harrier fly.
Next it was White-tailed Sea Eagle on its
nest feeding its chicks. Lesser Redpoll
and Siskin in our garden at comfort break.
After coffee we saw brilliant Golden
Eagles with a Kestrel and Red Deer and
stonechat at the same stop. More Red Deer
and Buzzard on its nest were to follow
with Swallows, House Martins, Sand
Martins, a Pied Wagtail and a pair of Grey
Wagtails also seen. The afternoon started
with a White-tailed Eagle fest with at
least 4 birds all seen flying and sitting.
Whilst looking for the elusive Otter we
saw both types of Seal and a Cuckoo and
then out came the Otter, not one but two,
you wait all day and two come along
together. Just so they could join the
party the Fallow Deer appeared on our way
home. What a day.
May 16th
What a difference 24 hours can
make, today was beautifull and the views
spectacular and the wildlife special. Male
Hen Harrier flying and sitting in full
view of my guests, distant Buzzards flying
and Willow Warbler and Whitethroat seen.
On to a White-tailed Eagle on a nest with
its chick, 6 more were seen in the day
flying, sitting, eating we had it all.
Lots of Red Deer and both types of Seal
were seen at several sites. Good views of
Golden Eagle, a Kestrel, Great Northern
Divers and Red breasted Mergansers
although the 2 Otters seen really stole
the show as they were what my guests most
wanted to see and they put on quite a
show. Two of my guests wanted to see
Lesser Redpoll and had tried on a few
occasions and the day finished on a high
note for them as there was a lovely male
on our Niger Seed feeder when I brought
them back to Ardrioch to pick up their car
at the end of a very enjoyable day.
May 15th
The day began well with
White-tailed Sea Eagle seen well but we
missed out on an Otter which was seen
running across some rocks. Shortly after
we had missed the Otter the mist
came in with a vengeance and we missed out
on everything as we could barely see the
sea. Later in the day the mist lifted a
little and we were able to see a Short
Eared Owl interacting with a buzzard and
some Red Deer. Later still we had a
fantastic sighting of a male Hen Harrier
which my guests were really thrilled to
see as was I as it had been hard work
today but we ended it with a couple of
memerable sightings.
May 14th
A great start to todays tour
with a lovely hunting male Hen Harrier in
the vally below us where we were looking
for Red Deer stags on the tops of the
hills, we also found the stags but they
have lost their antlers now ready for the
regrowth of their new ones. Golden and White-tail Eagles
were seen during the day and Common and
Grey Seals as well as a small group of
Fallow Deer. The weather changed towards
the afternoon and a low sea mist or 'Haa'
come in and so I was not expecting much at
afternoon tea as it also started to
drizzle with rain when someone spotted a
Buzzard flying close by, it circled around
and went back behind a small hill and must
have disturbed a day roosting Short-eared
Owl which got up and gave us great close
veiws as it flew in front of us. It had to happen as Pam was
doing the tour and there was enough
grass I had to get the mower out. I did
not just get the mower out but mowed the
lawns as well.
May 13th
A tour today with very good
views of 2 Otters being harrassed by 2
White-tailed sea Eagles after a fish they
(the Otters) had caught although they put
up a good fight eventually the Eagles won
the prey. A good Golden Eagle sighting
being mobbed by a tiny looking Kestrel. As
well as White-tailed Sea Eagle on a nest
with young we also have a Buzzard on eggs
on a nest for guests to see. Red Deer,
Ccommon and Grey Seals were seen well on a
beautIful day. Other notable sightings
today were Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler,
Common Terns, Black Guilliemot,
Kittiewakes, Common Sandpipers, Lapwings
and Curlews. A very good day with very
good guests. I nearly forgot the Whinchat,
the Stonechat and dust batheing Skylarks.
May 12th
A beautiful day weatherwise for
my trip to Iona to look for Corncrake, I
got lucky and saw one in the rushes, if
you look carefully you will see it in the
photo on the right of the Whooper Swan. on
Iona on the Machair I took a couple of
photos of a Pied Wagtail and a Wheatear.
Other birds seen on included Linnets,
Arctic Terns, diving Gannets and Ringed
Plovers. At Bunessan I heard and saw a
Grasshopper Warbler and at Ardalanish
beach I was surprised to find a late
staying Whooper Swan shown in the picture
below. If you are coming to Mull and want
to see a Corncrake on Iona I suggest an
early start before it gets to crouded as
it increases your chances immensely.
May 11th
A day when because of the bad
weather forecast I went out specifically
tolook for the Mull specialities and was
fortunate to get 4 out of 5 on what was a
particularly trying day wildlife wise. We
went to the Bellachroy with friends this
evening and I had a particularly good
May 10th
I (Pam) did the tour today on
the only dry day between the rain and
Arthur stayed at home to mow the lawns. My
thanks to my guests Pam, Ann & Maggie
for coming out with us again, 3 tough old
birds (in the nicest way) who prove that
birding is not just for fit, young men.
Another great day started with a lovely
male Hen Harrier hunting and followed only
20 minutes later by a female also hunting.
White-tail Eagles were seen sitting, in a
tree, on a nest and on a rock and we had
to wait until the end of the day when
saying our goodbyes at Ardrioch to see 2
flying very close. A good close Otter spot
by a young man in the van, we had to stay
in the van so as not to disturbe it at it
climbed over the rocks. The highlight of
the day came in the afternoon, after
watching Buzzards and a Golden Eagle
flying I saw a Hen Harrier flying quite
high, it was joined by a second and we
watched for several minutes as the pair
'sky danced' higher and higher, so high
that they eventually disapeared into the
blue sky... wow. On the drive home a
cuckoo flew across the road in front of us
and sat in a tree close by. When I took
Lucy for her late evening 'stroll' around
the garden 2 Woodcock were roding and a
Pipistral Bat was out hunting. What a
great day.
May 9th
Today it rained, all day it
rained and the wind blew, there were white
horses on the Lochs and wildlife watching
was to put it mildly very hard work. I did
not do a normal tour, just played it by
ear and we stopped and saw some Dunlin on
our way to our house for a comfort break
and morning coffee in the warm and dry. In
the garden we saw Lesser Redpoll and
Siskins amongst our regular birds and my
guests were pleased. We had 2 brief views
of Hen Harrier and a White-tailed Sea
Eagle on a nest but no chance of Golden
Eagle in this kind of weather. Looking for
Seals which also don't like rain I luckily
saw 2 Otters struggleing towards the shore
in the turbulent sea, we were able to
watch them as they came in and followed
them down the shoreline till they went
back to their holt. We saw lots of Great
Northern Divers and Red Breasted
Mergansers and a few little birds although
after afternoon tea in the rain we saw the
Fallow Deer and on a whim I tried and
found 6 Red Deer. Given the weather
conditions I think my guests were quite
pleased with what we had seen, as was I.
It just goes to prove that Mulls wildlife
will perform in all weathers if you go out
prepared to work hard for your sightings,
I had a great time because I had to really
earn my corn today.
May 8th
A very wet morning was followed
by a much better afternoon and the star
attraction of the day was Short-Eared Owl
which gave us very good views interacting
with a Buzzard and then sitting in the
heather watching us watching it. We saw 2
Otters briefly and White-tailed Eagles and
eventually got a decent view of Golden
Eagle. I must mention the fabulous view of
a Sedge Warbler we had today, isn't it
always the same, yesterday with Pam it
took us ages to get a reasonable view but
today even in poor conditions there it was
singing away high on a reed as if to say
here I am now which is my best side.
May 7th
A great tour with great guests
where we saw all Mull specialities by
lunch time and the guests were adding
extra species to the list of things to
see. There were a group of over 50 Dunlin
at Loch Cuin busy feeding up on their
journey to breed further north and
Whimbrel were every where also feeding up.
We got a extra surprise when we went to
see our Slow Worn today when a shrew was
hiding beside him.
In the evening Arthur and I took a short
trip out and got our first Sedge Warbler
of the year and I got my first
May 6th
A great tour with a wonderfull
view of a male Hen Harrier to kick things
off, at the same spot I saw my first
Common Whitethroat of the year and some
Willow Warblers and we stopped to look for
and find the Slow Worm below. Wheatear and
White-tailed Sea Eagle followed and then
Red Deer stags and an even better
White-tailed Sea Eagle which were soon
followed by a lovely Whinchat. Common
Seals and Red Breasted Merganseres were
next and then 2 more White-tailed Sea
Eagles and 3 Otters on some rocks with one
of the Otters interacting with one of the
Eagles. We saw a distant brief Golden
Eagle, a Gannet, Kittiwakes, my first
Linnet of the year a Black Guilliemot, a
brief Cuckoo, Lesser Redpoll and Dunlin.
Atotal of 54 bird species and 5 mammals
were seen on a fabulous day, thanks to all
my great guests.
May 5th
Pam and I went out looking for
new little birds this morning and managed
to find Wood Warbler, Lesser Redpoll, Tree
Pipit and Pam added House Martin to her
year list. On our travels we saw 2 Hen
Harriers, a Kestrel, Common Seals and Red
Deer. When we returned home we found
Lesser Redpoll in our garden, the first
time in our garden this year and showing
itself to the new self-caterers when they
arrived in the afternoon, I managed to get
a photo of one and also a Starling, a bird
we don't get often in our garden eating on
one of our fat ball feeders.
May 4th
Another cold, wet , windy day
although when out and about I did see some
migrating Whimbrel feeding up before they
move on further north to breed. We had a
lovely evening last night as our
neighbourhood friends came round for a
meal and catch up chat, the food was
excellent with all the ladies pitching in.
We also had a lot of laughs and we were
very pleased with Lucy who although still
not too confident at least did not shy
away from everyone, so she is improving
her self confidence if a little slowly.
When cleaning for our visitors Pam
inadverdently disturbed the Pipistrelle
Bat in the photo below, it went back to
bed after this photo was taken, so no harm
May 3rd
A cold, wet and windy day today
and I (Pam) was out braving the eliments.
At morning coffee stop the wind whiped the
coffee granuels all around the back of the
bus and into the tea cups but whilst I was
cleaning up the mess one of my guests
spotted an Otter out on the distant rocks,
it kept appearing and dissapearing but
eventually everyone got to see it and by
the time evryone had their hot drink
another Otter appeared very close to us
and everyone got really good veiws as it
rolled around cleaning itself in the sea
weed, as soon as it went into the choppy
waters it dissapeared. 3 White-tail Sea
Eagles were seen, one flying right over
our heads, a real wow moments. Lots of
Seals, Red Deer and Whimbrel were seen
again today. My guests were very happy to
come back to our house to warm up in front
of the AGA for afternoon tea and watch the
birds in the garden.
May 2nd
Todays tour started on a real
high with a brilliant close Otter at our
3rd stop, this Otter was so close that my
guests were photographing it with their
phones, it was my birthday today and all
my guests had asked for was Otter, someone
was giving me a good birthday present as
by 10 o'clock the pressure to find an
Otter was off. Even though the weather was
cold in the wind and at times really wet
we still saw a Golden Eagle flying, a
White-tailed Sea Eagle sitting in a tree
and standing on a nest, lots of Buzzards
one also on a nest and a Kestrel. As my
guests were not particularly interested in
the other stuff Mull has to offer I
included a bit of History and geology in
todays tour and that went down well (I
think?). A mention of Sue a young lady who
was not well on the tour and we had to
drop her off at Ardrioch so she could have
a rest before Pam took her into Tobermory
in our car, we hope she is feeling a lot
better now.
May 1st
A really poor start to May
weatherwise as it it rained all day and it
was also windy, not the best weather for a
tour and I confess it can be very hard
work. Today was no exception as most of my
guests really only wanted the Mull
specialities and it would be a miracle to
see any in the weather we got today. We
did in the end see 2 good Otters, 5 Red
Deer, Common Seals, a White-tailed Sea
Eagle standing on its nest protecting its
young from the worst of the weather and a
brilliant male Hen Harrier hunting along a
ridge in the pouring rain but an excellent
view of this iconic bird. Other notable
sightings, Whimbrel, Curlew, Eider Duck
and Great Northern Divers in breeding
May 2017
May 31st
A beautiful sunny day which
always makes our guests happy with
lovely views and plenty of wildflowers
to see. No Otter today but very good
Golden and White-tail Eagles in 2 or 3
locations and Red Deer and Seals also
seen well. My guests enjoyed the little
birds, Whinchat, Wheatear, Meadow and
Rock Pipits and a family of Redpoll. An
unusual sighting for Discover Mull today
of a small newt.
May 30th
What a difference a day makes,
a very good Otter at our second stop,
White-tailed Sea Eagle at our Forth
stop, 2 Buzzard Chicks in the nest at
lunch time, Red Deer everywhere, and
White-tailed Eagle with Chicks on a nest
in the afternoon. If you think that all
seems very good I need to tell you what
happened at our last stop, unlike the TV
programmes this is not for effect it was
literally our last stop. We were looking
for Hen Harrier when 2 White-tailed
Eagles flew over our heads, then the Hen
Harrier got up briefly but no one took
any notice as 2 Golden Eagles then
appeared, we literally did not know
which way to look, my guests were
impressed and I was extatic,
particularly after yesterday, Wildlife
you just can't predict it.
Pictures of Curlew and
Greenfinch seen during todays tour, when
I remembered I had a Camera.
May 29th
Every now and again the big
stuff does not play ball and today was one
of those days and most of the time you
just accept that it happens and move on.
Today however I had some lovely
guests who were so understanding
that I was more disappointed for them than
they were for themselves. I personally had
a very good day with great views of
Linnets and Whinchat two of my favorite
birds but aside from White-tailed Sea
Eagles and Red Deer Mulls other main
species remained illusive, partly due to
the rain and partly due to bad timing, I
console myself that I tried my level best
and have to appreciate sometimes you get
days like today, I just don't want too
May 28th
Where are
Otters when you need them?, I spent ages
looking for them in all my best spots
but not one showed up, that's wildlife
for you. On the plus side we had a male
Hen Harrier mobbing a Golden Eagle,
another Golden Eagle later in the day.
We also saw 2 White-tailed sea Eagles
and at least one chick also Buzzards one
on a nest with chicks, we see this
everday at the moment and Red Deer and
Common Seals which will soon be calving
and pupping. The highlights for me were
the little birds seen really well,
Whinchat, Stonechat, Wheatear,
Whitethroat, Skylark, Willow Warbler,
Redpoll and Meadow Pipits and at least 3
Cuckoos. I was really pleased to get a
half decent fuzzy photo of this
Stonechat although when my photo mad
mates see it they will have a little
chortle to themselves.
May 27th
Today I spent the day quietly
recovering from yesterday, YES even on
Mull you can get Heatstroke, I
have been drinking lots of fluids and
putting Aloe Vera on my arms. Only mad
dogs and Numpty Arthur go out in the
mid-day sun.
May 26th
26+ degrees thats 80+ degrees in
fahrenheit, it was very hot. Not
the best day to wear a short sleeved
shirt for the first time on a tour, so I
am writing todays blog with very sun
burned arms. The story of today was all
about Eagles and Otters as that was what
my guests wanted and it started
promisingly with a very good fly over
White-tailed Sea Eagle. It then went
very quiet as it got hotter, my guests
were desperate to see an Otter but there
were none in any of the areas I
sometimes see them but just before lunch
I played a hunch and as my guests were
busy photographing I went and looked for
Otter. I was pleasantly surprised to
find not one, not two but 3 Otters which
gave my guests great views and me a
great big kiss from an extatic Eva.
Apart from Kestrels, Buzzards and a
Linnet and some Red Deer and a Cuckoo we
saw nothing much else for the rest
of the day. On our way back to Tobermory
I stopped for one last look for a Golden
Eagle, much more in hope than
expectation but there it was a great
sighting sitting surveying its territory
in all its glory. I got another
smackeroony from Eva for that sighting,
now wheres a Hen Harrier when you need
one. Great day, great guests, ow and
wheres the aftersun Pam??
May 25th
No tour today and no wildlife
watching as I spent an hour cleaning the
sides of the burn (see photo's before and
after) and the rest of the day mowing our
lawns which are growing at a tremendous
rate at present and as the forecast for
Saturday does not look to promising I
thought I should get them done. The
weather did not help as it was extremely
hot, yes it does get hot on Mull
occasionaly. What made the heat worse for
me was to see Pam with a big grin on her
face going sea swimming as I was sweating
pushing a lawn mower through the long
grass. I am a bit worried about Pam as
guests kindly writing nice things about
our tours on Tripadvisor are giving her
better reviews than me. HOW CAN THAT BE
May 24th
Some days the weather just
doesn't do as forcast and the low cloud
and drizzle that started the day just hung
around all day. We had a White-tail Eagle
sitting in a tree which flew from one end
of the wood to a tree at the other end of
the wood. A Golden Eagle flew when it
really shouldn't have flown and a fabulous
mother and cub Otter eating a huge conga
eel on a seaweedy rock being watched over
by 2 Great Black-backed Gulls and a Hooded
Crow who wanted to join in the feast for
half an hour. As well as Red Deer, Seals
and small birds a couple of more unusual
birds seen today were a Snipe sitting up
on a rock and a Red Grouse.
May 23rd
A change
in the weather today, lovely till 2pm
then it started to rain before becoming
somewhat evil so it was back to our
house for afternoon tea and cakes. Very
good white-tailed Eagles today with the
best being a fly past as the drizzle
started, it was getting cooler and
wetter but this sighting warmed the
cockles a wee bit. Excellent Golden
Eagle at lunch time this really was a
super view and my guests were really
impressed. An Otter spotted by a guest
was the spot of the day as it was in
quite rough water at the time, Otter
like, it had caught a large fish and
went out of sight to eat it, however we
waited it out and had some good views
before we lost it in what had now become
very rough water. Red Deer in large
numbers were seen, note photo and we had
some good sightings of Seals, Curlews
with chicks, Lapwings and Greylag Geese
with Goslings. My day was made by an
excellent Linnet, I do love this bird.
The day end with a brilliant view of a
male Redpoll resplendent in its very
smart bright red plumage seen from the
warmth and comfort of our kitchen, in
the end I almost had to drag my guests
May 22nd
Another day of mixed weather
with very windy and squally conditions
making wildlife watching difficult and not
too comfortable. However with patience and
perseverance we managed to see a lot of
wildlife, wild flowers and discussed the
geolgy and history of mull. The wildlife
highlights were White-tailed Sea Eagle,
Red Deer, a very good Otter, Waders, small
birds and Seals. The Wild Flowers included
Heath Spotted Orchids and Milkwort, check
out the photos. Geology wise guests were
impressed with the Roche Moutonnee, the
Dyke and Raised Beaches at Calgary, while
on the History front the village of
Innavie and the David Tennent connection
was a winner.
May 21st
Even though the day began wet
and windy we still managed to see
White-tailed Sea Eagles and Red Deer at
the start of the day. It became harder to
see the big stuff after that although much
to my guests delight we did see a pair of
Golden Eagles as the afternoon wore on.
For me and a lot of my guests it was the
little birds seen in between the big
sightings that made the day. Dunlin and
Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Redshank,
Lapwing, Curlew and Oystercatchers were
the Waders seen. Great views of Whinchat,
Willow Warbler, Whitethroat and Sedge
Warbler. Tree Pipit, Rock Pipit and Meadow
Pipit and Skylark, the list goes on with
Great Northern Diver, Black Guilliemot and
Red Breasted Megansers. As they say in all
the acception speeches apologies to all
sighting left out, we liked you all.
Todays photos taken on our feeders when we
returned home as always I forgot to take
any during the day.
May 20th
I did my breeding bird survey
around West Ardhu, that is where our small
farm is situated and in the 1 kilometre
square I saw 30 species of breedig birds
in our area, not bad methinks. I spent the
afternoon in our burn doing more Willow
and Bog Myrtle clearing at the same time
the insects were trying to see me off. I
left a gate open today and some sheep got
out which was a bit of a drag but it only
goes to show how important it is to close
gates properly behind you when you are out
May 19th
Pam at the helm again today as
Arthur stayed at home and mowed the lawns
and cleaned the burn, it keeps him fit!.
Our White-tail Eagle chicks are growing
bigger in the nest close to home as their
attentive parents care for them, Mum on
the nest and Dad keeping an eye out for
danger close by. The Buzzards are still on
there eggs and we play the daily game of
'spot the buzzard in the scope', it won't
be long now before they will be busy
tending chicks. The Lapwings are still
shooing away the Hooded Crows from their
growing off spring, and a male Stonechat
was being surrounded by 4 hungry chicks on
a wire fence. Pairs of male Greylag Geese
are strutting the shore sides, protecting
their hidden, sitting females, some
Greylag Gosling have already been seen,
the 'MacDonalds Takeaway' for the growing
Eagle chicks. Yes Spring is in full
swing and it is wonderful. Congratulations
to Mike today who was celebrating his 80th
birthday I hope you had a great day.
May 18th
A beautiful day again and lovely
guests who were great fun even if I was
the butt of most of their comments, you
know what they say if you can't take a
joke don't make a joke. Today it was
mainly looking for Otters, particularly
when I went back to the same spot for the
third time, the jokes came thick and fast
for that one. In the end thanks to Donald
we saw 2 very close Otters, it was
certainly a case of third time lucky.
Todays photos were taken on a pleasant
short walk with Pam and Sally this evening
across the road at West Ardhu.
May 17th
Pam doing the tour today, Arthur
is back at the dentist (is he having an
affair with her?) and a great day for all
the big stuff. A big dog Otter in the
morning on a high tide where I was not
expecting to find one gave great views
cleaning his fur for 10 minutes before
gong into a rough sea and riding the
waves. Lots of small birds including
Linnets, Grey Wagtail, Dipper,
Whitethroat, Skylark, also Siskin,
Bullfinch and baby Robin seen at a comfort
break at our home. My guests also enjoyed
a very close Black Guillimot at another
comfort stop. On our way home we had an
unexpected bonus of 2 very close Golden
Eagles almost flying over our heads, an
exciting end to a great day.
May 16th
The day started with weather
similar to yesterday but improved after
lunch. The morning was not a complete
washout however with Hen Harrier, Cuckoo,
Snipe and Red Grouse all seen well as were
some Red Deer. It was in the afternoon
after the rain cleared that the birds of
prey suddenly appeared and we got great
views of Golden Eagles, White-tailed sea
Eagle, Buzzards and a Kestrel. Under the
dark clouds of drizzle and high wind we
went and did a little Sea watching, we saw
Gannets and Kittiwakes, Great Northern
Divers and Shags and I saw a pair of
Common Terns but they magically
disappeared. At coffee break I showed my
guests Mulls insect eating plants,
Butterwort ( Bog Violet ) and Sundew check
out the photos.
May 15th
Today it was windy and a little
wet, mainly windy and it made wildlife
watching very difficult, the exception
being white-tailed sea Eagles which
performed admirably, including chick in
nest putting in a cameo appearance. We
played a game called spot the Buzzard, we
have a Buzzard nest and she is incubating
eggs but in the cool wind she was sitting
so low you could barely see her head above
the twigs. A Golden Eagle flew persued by
a pair of angry Crows, it gave us a 30
second fly past and vanished, all my
guests saw it though. Otter was absent
although we spent the greater part of the
day searching for one. Red Deer and Seals
were seen with Great Northern Divers,
Ringed Plover, Lapwing with chicks,
Redshank, Dunlin. Linnet and Black
Guillemots. You could say we made the most
from a difficult day.
May 14th
A few
cliches for you today, The calm
before the storm, today lovely
weather, tomorrow wind and rain
forecast. Heard but not seen-
Cockooson todays tour. No mean feat-
The two Otters we spotted on todays tour
which eventually came close enough to
give us very good views. Taken by
surprise- From nothing about to a
White-tailed Eagle being mobbed by a
Hooded Crow in a matter of seconds. It,s
there somewhere- The Dipper in
this photograph. Over the moon-
My guests reaction to the Otters and the
White-tailed Eagle. Does Pam ever
sleep-Guests comments about Pams
Soup, cakes and biscuits.
May 13th
A very strange May happening on
todays tour 6 White-tailed Sea Eagles in
the air together at one spot, this happens
sometimes in the Winter but it was first
for me in May. 2 Otters were seen and they
gave my guests a lot of pleasure as did
the Golden Eagle which we had to wait some
time for in the cold but it was worth the
wait. The Bluebell Wood is spectacular at
the moment and more of Mulls flowers are
now appearing incuding the fairly rare
Mountain Everlasting. Finally I saw my
first Terns of the year with 2 Common
Terns at Calgary Bay.
May 12th
Pam did todays tour and I spent
time working on our water supply which is
in need of rain which been in short
supply lately. On the tour Pam had several
White-tailed sea Eagles and a Golden Eagle
sitting on the top of a hill not the best
Goldie she has seen but a Goldie none the
less. Her Otter today was much better
giving great views which enthralled her
guests for over half an hour. Other
notable sightings her first Whinchat of
the year, Grey Wagtail and Dipper and her
guest were delightfull. We went to the
Bellachroy in Dervaig this evening and I
had one of the best steaks I have had in a
very long time and Pam was really happy
her meal as well.
May 11th
Pam did the tour today as I had
a dentist appointment to fit a crown on my
tooth, in the event the crown did not fit
so it was a case of more plasticine bite
down and wait, did you know plasticine
does not taste very nice. Pam had a good
tour but was somewhat traumatised as one
couple had not phoned the evening before
and were not at the right pick up point,
so she wasted time looking for them and
then having to return to pick them up. It
was a genuine mistake but it does throw
you out for the rest of the day, I know as
it has happened to me before. One
highlight on the tour she keeps telling me
was 2 Lapwings defending a nest from a
Hooded Crow, they were so aggressive they
won, this time?
May 10th
A cooler
and duller day with little wind, perfect
for wildlife watching and this was
proved once again with a fantastic Otter
sighting, in fact 2 Otters and they gave
us their all for over half an hour until
I almost had to drag my guests away.
Golden Eagle sightings were also
extremely good as were White-tailed sea
Eagles, my guests particularly enjoyed
seeing a mother feeding two Chicks with
their White heads easily visible above
the sides of the nest. We have another
Buzzard nest again this year and they
have just started sitting on eggs, so we
can watch how this developes. Other good
sightings today a Dipper and Grey and
Pied Wagtails at the same time fabulous.
Todays photo is of Dervaig taken from
above the villiage on thre Tobermory
side from the viewpoint.
May 9th
The weather was beautiful again
if a little cooler and today we saw an
Otter not the best I have ever seen but
all my guests saw it and were as you might
expect delighted. White-tailed Eagle
flying and an adult feeding a chick with
its little white head poping up towards
its mothers beak. 3 Golden Eagles in total
today and as always numerous Buzzards or
as we call them on Mull 'tourist Eagles'.
Red Deer and both types of Seal were seen
as was a Greenshank, not often seen on
Mull at this time of year.
May 8th
Another glorious day of weather,
I was told years ago that May was a good
month for weather on Mull but have rarely
seen it till this year, a long way to go
yet but dare I say it a drop of rain would
not go a miss. On todays tour I had a
blind man who was really good with knowing
his bird calls and songs so I did the tour
to give him as many birds as I could which
worked very well and he built up a quite
decent list. All my guests today were
lovely and although we did not see as many
of the Mull specialities as usual today
they took a lot out of their day and were
really kind and understanding that todays
tour was and had to be slightly different
than usual. Ron was a star as were all my
guests today, many thanks to you all.
May 7th
On todays tour-- 5 little Ducks
went swimming today down the Loch behind
Mum's back, a naughty Gull was keeping
track, so mother Duck said Quack Quack
Quack--- As the naughty Gull came for a
snack---now only 4 little Ducks were
behind her back.
May 6th
A long trip and early morning
drive to Iona to try and see a Corncrake,
see one, I did not even hear one and there
were no different waders on the island
either. It was not a complete disaster as
there were Linnets galore, my favorite
bird and I did manage to get some decent,
well for me photos of birds. On my way
home I stopped off to look for Redstart,
without sucess although I did see and
manage one photo of a Wood Warbler, my
first of the year. Very early start, 4mile
walk and I am now Kna// err very tired.
Pam started Sea Swimming again today she
to is very tired and cold but happy.
May 5th
Pam did todays tour and saw
brilliant Eagles, both Golden and
White-tailed Sea Eagles but no Otter, it
has been a funny week for Otter seen only
every other day, Sunday Otter Monday no
Otters, Tuesday Otters, Wednesday no
Otters, Thursday well you must have got my
drift by now. I mowed the lawns but
managed a bit of birding as I had to make
a journey to Salen and managed to take a
picture of this Dipper on the Aros river,
it certainly took the mundane out of Lawn
May 4th
Another super fine day
weatherwise and the big stuff played its
part with great views of White-tailed Sea
Eagles, Red Deer and our best sighting of
a Golden Eagle this year. As always on our
tours I am so involved with the guests I
forget about my camera so todays photo of
the day is the lovely Robin below, as I
say at the start of our tours we try to
show guests all Mulls wildlife and not
just the big stuff so the Robin is an
example. In case you are wondering we did
see Otter today, not the best I have ever
had on a tour but certainly not the worst.
This evening Pam and I went out to look
for little birds and she saw her first
Whitethroat of the year. Pam is doing the
tour tomorrow whilst I mow the lawns, hows
that for a day off????
May 3rd
todays tour was a tale of two
halves, the morning great , the afternoon
very slow. The weather was beautiful and
there was only a slight breeze which made
it pleasant to be out. I had 2 new birds
for my year list today 4 Dunlin at Dervaig
and a Common Whitethroat being harassed by
a Cuckoo, just what it needed after
migrating all the way up here. Great Hen
Harrier and Golden Eagle in the morning
with lots of Red Deer also seen. The
afternoon was spent looking for Otter and
White-tailed Sea Eagle, Otter we did not
see but eventually a White-tail came out
and flew over our heads as it went high up
on the thermols. Common Seal and Eider
Ducks were seen as we ventured back to
Tobermory after another successful tour.
May 2nd
A birthday treat in our garden
today, a Brambling, the first in our
garden and I missed it as I was out on
another brilliant tour. A White-tailed Sea
Eagle so close that one of my guests
filled her camera with it, as usual my
camera was in the van, an Otter so close
we dare not move, my camera in the van,
Red Deer really close but as I see them
all the time I left my camera in the van.
Golden Eagles interacting with Hen
Harriers to far away for my camera and
finally a very good sighting of a sitting
Cuckoo, no photos of any of these sighting
but I can still see them in my mind, I
know how good these sightings were, what a
couple of days I have had on tour.
May 1st
Today was
a bird watching day as opposed to an
Eagle and Otter watching day which was
fine by me as we saw over 50 species of
birds on the tour most of them small
ones, it helps to have great spotters in
the van. My first Whinchat of the year
was probably the highlight for me
although 31 breeding plumage Golden
Plover in a field ran it close. Tree
Pipit, Lesser Redpoll, Sedge Warbler,
Willow Warbler, Whimbrel, Stonechat,
Siskins, Manx Shearwaters, the list goes
on, what a day. By the way Golden Eagle,
White-tailed sea Eagle and Red Deer were
also seen but just for today they were
the add ons to a brilliant days birding,
many thanks to all my guests who were as
you may have guessed fantastic. The
photos today were taken by me on a short
walk across the road from our house.
May 31st
Today we
had sensational views of
Golden Eagles, Otters, 3
of them and Cuckoo, good
sightings of White-tailed
Sea Eagles Red and Fallow
Deer and Seals, the
downside believe it or
not, it was too darn hot.
May 30th
Pam did the
tour today as I was up to
my waist in water clearing
the burn where our water
supply comes from, thanks
to Nick for his
considerable help.
Again the White-tail and
Golden Eagles put on a
good show seeing them both
in 2 different areas and
our Otter although a
little distant stayed on
the same rock for over 20
minutes as my guests took
it in turn watching in the
scope. Smaller birds are
starting to feed there
young now so good views of
Wheatear, White-throat,
Redpoll and of course
Yellowhammer. Lots of Red
Dear and Seals and a high
flying female Hen Harrier
added to an enjoyable
day's wildlife watching.
May 29th
Back on track
after yesterdays aberation
and guess what we had an
Otter, a very good Otter
for over 45 minutes, we
also saw great Golden
Eagles, magnificent
White-tailed Sea Eagles,
Red and Fallow Deer
including Red Deer stags,
both types of Seal,
Cuckoo, Peregrine Falcon
and lots more to boot. I
am not bragging here but
reinforcing the point that
it is better to look for
everything than waste time
casing a paticular species
unless you can spend all
day like the wildlife T.V.
cameramen do. All my
guests were overjoyed by
their day and I myself was
rather chuffed.
I always say never
just go after the big stuff as there are
no guarantees that you will find them
but today I broke my own rule as a young
boy was desperate for Otter, we spent
half the day just looking for Otter and
still did not see one, point proved I
think. We did have very good views of
White-tailed Sea Eagles and Golden
Eagles, Red and Fallow Deer and Common
Seal. The Buzzard with chicks is still
providing a lot of pleasure as did the
Lapwing with 2 young chicks, let us hope
they escape the attention of the Hooded
Crows. Little birds of the day Stonechat
with chicks and the Nutty Yellowhammer
also 2 late Dunlin at Dervaig. I nearly
forgot a pair of Red Throated Divers as
well as some late Great Northern Divers.
That's all folks.
May 27th
As the song says this
was a 'perfect day', dull with only a
light breeze, perfect for wildlife
watching, lovely enthusiastic guests and
the probably because the weather was not
too sunny or wet the wildlife was out
and about in abundance. All Mulls big
stuff was seen including Otter and a
very good male Hen Harrier but lots of
other birds put in an appearance.
Stonechat, Whinchat, Lesser Redpoll,
Tree Pipit, Meadow Pipit, Cuckoo,
Yellowhammer and the nutty one also
performed really well, Sedge Warbler,
Willow Warbler, Whitethroat, I could go
on but that would be just listing,
suffice it to say we saw everything well
and the views and wildflowers also
played their part in a perfect day.
May 26th
Pam gave me a day off
so we went with our friend Alan
'Mullbirds' Spellman to Croggan as we
don't go there very often but only after
going to see the Nurse to give blood,
this is not Pam's favourite thing to do
as she does not give up her blood easily
and she was in with the nurse for quite
some time before coming out looking like
a pin cussion. At Croggan a lovely place
on Mull if somewhat off the beaten track
Alan and I were looking for birds but
Pam was more interested in some old
Goat, a feral one with very long horns
which facinated her. The day also
produced some Black Rabbits a very close
Cuckoo and what I had most wanted to see
my first Redstart of the year and it was
a beauty, shame one of us missed it, now
I only have to try and see a Grasshopper
Warbler although I don't fancy my
chances on that one. Thanks to Alan for
these lovely Redstart pictures.
May 25th
We had great views of
an Otter today although the first one we
saw was certainly not in that bracket
but a good spot none the less. The
Eagles once again performed well and the
Buzzard chicks on their nest continue to
grow well and provide guests with a lot
of pleasure. Kestrels were seen as was
Cuckoo and Dipper but the birds of the
day were the pair of Peregrine falcons
seen towards the end of another very
good day out. I had an excellent Lobster
bisque at the Bellachroy this evening
and Pam really enjoyed her warm Mackeral
salad, the beer was very good as well.
May 24th
A harder day today as
we just missed out on Otter and did not
get a Hen Harrier but on the plus side
we had not one but 2 Sparrowhawks and a
Peregrine Falcon, both not regulars on
our tours. Excellent views of
White-tailed Sea Eagles and good ones of
Golden Eagles and today we had a Buzzard
fest, they were everywhere. Kestrel was
the other raptor seen but once again the
nutty Yellowhammer stole the show, this
bird would win Britains got tallent, or
then again maybe not.
May 23rd
Back on duty with a
lovely group of guests and the wildlife
of Mull also came out to welcome me back
although I think the nice weather also
helped as it was quite calm and a little
dull, great weather for wildlife
watching. We started with Common Seals,
an Eider Duck and Curlew, then we saw
our first Otter of the day which
although distant put on a show for us
doing all the things Otters should do
and some it shouldn't, its mother could
have taught it better manners. Red
Breasted Mergansers, Great Northern and
Red throated Divers were seen at coffee
stop as was a Grey Seal always good to
pick up on the tours. We then moved on
and saw a Dipper and some Fallow Deer
which have proved illusive on our tours
this year. At our next stop we saw a
much closer Otter and a White-tailed Sea
Eagle, the Eagle flew in and landed
giving great views through the
telescope. Next stop to look for Red
Deer, none there but we did see 2 Hen
Harriers, a Kestrel and Ravens and it
was not even lunch time. At lunch we all
enjoyed seeing our Buzzard nest which I
can confirm has 3 chicks. Nutty
Yellowhammer, Willow Warbler and Red
Deer followed after lunch and then after
waiting it out a Golden Eagle, this made
our day complete. To all the other
wildlife seen but not mentioned in
todays blog I apolagise and will give
them a mention in future blogs, please
don't be miffed you are all important to
me. Thanks to todays guest David Davies
for sending these lovely photo's from
todays tour.
Arthurs Dad continues
to improve which is really good news and
Arthur will be back home today so that I
can get some rest, although having said
that todays tour was absolutely
brilliant. All the 'big' stuff was seen
really well but the small birds were the
stars today, Whinchat, Whitethroat,
Yellowhammer (nutty and normal) Meadow
Pipit and Redpoll also lots of cuckoo's
mostly being chased by smaller birds.
Thanks to all my guests for there good
humour and spotting, some were out with
us for their 5th time.
May 21st
As I lay in bed this
morning I missed the early morning
calling of our male Song Thrush. Change
over day in the self-catering today, ah
well you know what they say, a woman's
work is never done, this week I think
they might be right. Arthur rang to say
his Dad was looking a lot brighter and
he (Arthur) will be coming back
May 20th
As I was in the
kitchen preparing for todays tour (doing
Arthurs jobs as well as my own) I was
alerted by the alarm calls of our Song
Thrush, I looked up to see the
Sparrowhawk fly inches infront of the
kitchen window being followed by a very
angry Song Thrush, I think the
Sparrowhawk was carrying something. An
hour later as I got into the van to
leave for the tour the Song Thursh was
still very upset in the tree at the
bottom of the garden. Although all our
main species were seen on todays tour
there were no stand out moments. We were
amused by Arthur's nutty
Yellowhammer as he took his
anger out on someone elses car
wing mirror.
Rain all day, but in
the first hour before it got too heavy
we had White-tail Eagle with chick
showing well and a mum & cub Otter
feeding, we had good veiws of them in
and out of the water, at one point the
cub was so excited as mum brought it
some food it tumbled off the rock into
the water. Back to our house for morning
coffee and lots of Siskins in the
garden. Later a flying White-tail Eagle
was seen and lots of Red Deer. Thanks to
all my guests who despite
the rain were a jolly and
cheerful group.
It was one of those
days when we saw all Mull's specialities
really well including the Golden Eagle
in the photo which performed so well for
us that I managed to get a usable
picture, the first of a Goldie this
season, the Great Northern diver wasn't
bad either.2 Otters in the morning and
then White-tailed Eagle and Hen Harrier
carrying prey it was just one of those
unforgettable days. In a list of well
over 50 bird species we saw Sedge
Warbler, Willow Warbler, Whitethroat,
Linnet, the nutty Yellowhammer again,
Siskin, Dunlin, Lapwing, Curlew, Eider
Ducks, I could go on but thankfully I
won't, just to say it was a great day. I
am off the Island for a few days as my
Dad is unwell and Pam is stepping into
the breach once more, so those taking
tours can be assured of an excellent
May 17th
After a dry start the
rain came down which somewhat cut short
the day, although by that time we had
had brilliant views of Golden Eagle and
2 Otters seen good, and White-tailed Sea
Eagles, also lots of Red Deer and both
types of Seal, not bad for a wet day.
There were of course other birds seen
including, Dunlin, Whimbrel, Stonechat,
Wheatear, Eider Ducks, Red Breasted
Mergansers and Great Northern Divers in
breeding plumage but the most notable
sightings of today were the Black
Guilliemots, not just the birds which
were great but the sheer number of them,
we have only seen a few all year but
today they were everywhere, maybe it
needs to rain to bring them out.
May 16th
A good day today with
a few unusual happenings, firstly we saw
the Iceland Gull again, is this bird
becoming an illegal immigrant, has it
overstayed its visa, time will tell but
I'm no snitch. We then had an episode
with the Yellowhammer in the pictures
below, which kept jumping onto the wing
mirror on the van and looking at itself
in the glass. Either in the words of the
song (your so vain) or it was determined
to come out with us on one of our trips,
who knows what was going on in its
little head, made for a nice photo
though. Song Thrushes are singing like
crazy this year and this one in the
picture taken at Calgary was auditioning
for 'The Voice'. Goldies, White-tailed
Sea Eagles, my Buzzards nest and Red
Throated Divers all seen well today,
what will tomorrow bring, tune in to my
blog to find out.
May 15th
A first for me on
Mull, a Green Woodpecker, which
flew in front of the bus and into a wood
just as we were about to turn onto the
Killiechronan road coming from Knock. My
thanks to the Pooles who were sitting in
the front seats and spotted and
identified it before I did as I was
concentrating on the road at the time.
2 Red Throated Divers and a very
close Great Northern Diver were seen
well as was the Willow Warbler found by
Lynn Fearne who was rightly very proud
of herself and also great fun. The other
main highlights of the day were Golden
Eagle carrying prey, we think it was a
Rabbit and 2 Golden Eagles seeing off a
White-tailed Sea Eagle which had
encroached too close to their nest site.
May 14th
I did BTO square this
morning seeing 2 new birds for my Mull
year list, a Spotted Flycatcher and Wood
Warbler, other notable birds seen were
Yellowhammer, Goldcrest and a Blackcap
with 4 wrens also a highlight. Cuckoos
are calling everywhere now and starting
to pair up prior to laying eggs, time
for extra vigilance from the Meadow
Pipits. I went for a walk down Loch Ba
looking unsuccessfully for Redstart this
afternoon but I did take this photo of
the Loch, not an area I often visit but
beautiful none the less.
Great weather again
for our trip out in the wilds of Mull,
we had a bus load of lovely guests and
Mulls main species did not dissapoint,
particularly the Otters with 2 seen in
the same area. Both Golden Eagles and
White-tailed Sea Eagles performed well
but the Buzzard nest with chicks that we
have found was a real croud pleaser. We
went to the Bellachroy, Mulls oldest inn
in Dervaig this evening and had a
wonderful meal made even more pleasant
by the fact that most of the guests in
the pubs restaurant we had taken out
during the week.
Good news, I think at
least 3 of the Golden Eagles in our
patch have hatched chicks, although I
cannot be sure but we are now regularly
seeing Golden Eagles fly round in their
territories which they don't do if their
nests have failed. Today the golden
eagle sightings were exceptional as you
can see from the photo I took with my
little box brownie (those of a certain
age will know what I mean). I took the
photo of these lovely Swallows gathering
nest material which enthralled my guests
for quite a while, as those of you who
regularly travel with us know we look
for everything not just the big stuff.
Now what does the poem say " What is
life if full of care you have no time to
stand and stare" In Awe.
May 11th
Pam doing the tour
today and I knew I was in for a good day
as I had regular guests 'Old rocker'
Blake and his lovely wife Sheila May
(see blog for 21st March) with me. As it
turned out we had a FABULOUS
day. We started well with a White-tail
Eagles being mobbed by 2 Buzzards as a
Sparrowhawk flew through looking on. We
saw Red Deer next and then a beautiful
hunting male Hen Harrier always a great
bird to see. The Golden Eagles were
brilliant too as they were reafirming
there pair bond with 'golden ball dives'
after a few weeks of 1 bird sitting on
the nest, we hope this means they now
have young. We didn't get Otter today
but we substituted them with very
DOLPHINS close to shore leaping
out of the water, the seals were a bit
mifted as my guests ignored them
completly... I wonder why? Thanks to
guests Tim & Tania Nightingale for
the dolphin photo's.
Still scorcio, this
makes finding wildlife really difficult
as they are all hiding in the shade
drinking Pina Collardos (joke). Good
news we found an Otter that wasn't
asleep and as we watched it a
White-tailed Sea Eagle flew round over
our heads, our guests were delighted and
some even broke out in a sweat, or glow
for the ladies. This could have been due
to the wildlife but probably it had more
to do with the 26 degree heat. We had
good views of Golden eagle at lunchtime
but for me it was the 2 Red throated
Divers which were the highlight. Our
guests were great and we had an author
out with us today who has written some
famous books and all I can say is that
he was the most charming and interesting
man and the Otter made his day. A
special mention to Ian and Lorraine who
were also on the tour, Lorraine was on
the tour to support Ians passion for
wildlife and she was great company and
enjoyed the day much more than she
thought she would. We love guests come
out with us to enjoy thier day it gives
all of us a better day out.
What's happening,
what's going on????, 12 days ago we had
humungous amounts of snow, today 26
degrees of scorcio heat, my body
thermastat is confused, not to mention
my choice of clothing. The saying is
that there is no bad weather just wrong
clothing, well pity the poor tourist who
has come to Scotland expecting cool
weather and cold winds and ends up
frying. We had some great Eagle
sightings today but the Otter we saw was
just as inactive as yesterday but you
can imagine how welcome the hot soup at
lunchtime was? Water anyone. The photo
of the Lapwing below was taken because
it stood and posed so it would have been
remiss of me not to take a picture.
It was a warm day and
the wildlife was just taking advantage
to chill out as you do on a Sunday, so
although we saw everthing my guests
wanted to see none of it was what I
would call spectacular. We saw 4
White-tailed Sea Eagles in total, all
perched in trees except for the one on
her nest feeding a chick. The Golden
Eagle was fairly brief but it was thanks
to the Hooded Crows that we saw it at
all as they harried it off its perch
where we could not see it and it flew
round giving great size comparrison
before all too soon returning to the out
of sight perching spot. The otter was
grooming when we found it, then it
curled up and went to sleep, on a
lighter note we did see Fallow as well
as Red Deer and both types of seal. Our
find of the day was finding a Buzzards
nest, the female was on the nest when
the male brought in a worm, wasn't she
lucky, it must have been like expecting
Michelin star and getting a Little Mac.
I went out searching and found the
Osprey, It was flying from Grass Point
in the direction of Loch Don, I was very
pleased as I missed out last year even
though it had stayed around for some
time. On my way home I stopped at Loch
Don and saw an awful lot of Dunlin and a
few Ringed Plover and despite checking
through them for some time could not
find anything different. Stopping at
Craignure Golf club I saw a pair of
Arctic Terns also my first of the year.
Pam did the changeovers in the
self-catering but still managed to see
the Sedge Warblers and Whitethroats in
the early morning before starting work,
she is knackered.
May 6th
A day of light winds
and slightly warmer which brought the
birds out in much larger numbers and
hearalded some new arrivals including
Common Terns, Sedge Warblers and
Whitethroat all new birds for my Mull
bird list. I also saw my first Reed
Bunting on Mull for the year, a bird
that has taken some finding for me.
Great sightings of Hen harriers, Golden
Eagles, White-tailed Sea Eagles and
Otter today due in no little part to my
guests who were all good spotters so we
did not miss much. Other notable birds
seen today were Eiders, Dunlin, Whinchat
and Kestrels, we also had a flying
Peregrine Falcon. A lot of laughs today
which in my opinion helps a lot and
thank goodness less disturbance of the
Otters by photographers today.
A sunny day today
but still windy. At our first stop we
saw White-tail Eagles along with there
new chick. Red Throated and Great
Northern Divers are looking handsome now
in their summer plumage
and we were pleased to pick up a cukoo calling
from a rock. Golden Eagles gave us good
views as they did a change over at the
nest but our highlight was a mother
Otter with a tiny cub, she had it on the
sea in rough water but was protecting it
by swimming close to the shore on the
sea side of the baby taking the waves as
they came over them, we stayed inside
the van to watch to avoid disturbance to
the the vunerable pair as they swam
along the shore and after a short while
they came out of the water and ran up
the stony shore line towards the road,
again we kept back and watched as they
crossed the road and went up the stream
heading home to their holt. A lovely day
of wildlife watching tinged with sadness
as Arthur went to our friends wifes
May 4th
I picked up my guests
in Tobermory in very windy conditions
and after a short time it started
raining although we did manage to see a
pair of White-tailed Sea Eagles before
it got too bad. As the rain got worse I
stopped at our house for morning coffee
and we watched the birds in our garden.
At Calgary as the rain worsened but to
lighten our mood there were Dunlin and
Ringed Plover on the beach. The next
hour was a blur, literally, as we could
not see anything through the mist and
rain, as we say use your imagination
tours. The rain eased and we were able
to see the coast which was just as well
as we went past a few Red Deer, at first
we could only see 8 but as the mist
lifted we saw at least 20. Whoopee, the
rain stopped and a few birds were seen
including Whimbrel and a very close
hunting Hen Harrier, not such a bad day
afterall. It got better, we sptted an
Otter running over rocks before diving
into the very rough sea before
dissapearing, we thought we had lost it
but out it came on to the rocks again
with a Crab and gave us great views
whilst it ate it. (photographers please
note you do not need to be close enough
to share the Crabs meal to get a good
photo, wildlife disturbance is a crime.
Sorry for the rant.) We went to a Golden
Eagle site and a bird flew in and landed
on a rock giving us great views and as
we drank our afternoon brew the rain
started and the bird slowly dissapeared
from view. We decided to call it a day
as we had been extremely lucky
considering the weather but our luck
continued as we saw a single Fallow
Deer, a single Common Seal and some
Eider Ducks on our way home. It was
still raining on our return, thanks to
my guests you were awsome.
May 3rd
High winds and the
odd squally shower made wildlife
watching difficult but my guests adapted
to the conditions to appreciate
everything we did find. A Hen Harrier
flew or should I say was blown in front
of us but as it went great distances in
a very short time not all my guests saw
it. We saw 3 White-tailed Sea Eagles in
total, Buzzards, Kestrels, both Kestrels
were brilliant views and worth being out
to see, and a very brief Golden Eagle.
Goldeneye ducks displaying were the
surprise bird of the day and the Grey
and Common Seals along with the Red Deer
made it a not to bad day in the
May 2nd
It was not the best weather for
wildlife watching today with high winds
and squally showers but on the bright
side as our Preston friends say the
'food was up to standard', so thanks Pam
for that at least she is consistant.
There were two types of wildlife always
in evidence today White-tailed Sea
Eagles which now having hatched chicks
have to feed them and Deer with lots of
Red Deer seen and even a guest
appearance by the Fallow Deer, even if
they were hiding in a wood. For me there
were three highlights on on the day, our
guests were delightful, the Gannets,
Kittiwakes and Manx Shearwaters were a
joy and Pam came out with us as it was
my birthday. Oh and the waterfalls were
worth the tour in themselves.
After heavy overnight
rain it looked unpromising for todays
tour and although we saw both types of
Eagle they were certainly not in the
numbers we saw on Friday. We did see
however 3 Otters, Peregrine Falcon,
Kestrels and of course Buzzards. The
highlight of the tour today was a very
nice Iceland Gull seen on the north
shore of Loch Na keal, an unexpected
treat. Today on the tour I had a
fantastic group of spotters in
particular Alan and Jean who come on our
tour every year at this time and I
really look forward to this trip and I
was not dissapointed.
May 2015
May 31st
More high
winds and evil squally
showers today, never mind
Summer starts tomorrow
with promised heavy rain
and gale force winds,
nothing changes. Very good
White-tailed Eagles today,
Red Deer and both types of
Seal and we had a brief
sighting of a Hen Harrier.
We had 3 great sightings
of little birds today with
Whinchat, Whitethroat and
my first Spotted
Flycatcher of the year
taking my Mull year list
to 131 by the end of May.
The Spring flowers are
just appearing with
Bluebells, Bugle,
Milkwort, Lousewort and
Wild Srawberry joining the
still blooming yellows of
the Primroses, Celandines
and Gorse of the
supposedly early Spring.
May 30th
The best day
of the season weatherwise
and a good one for the
main Mull species. We saw
3 Golden Eagles, a
White-tailed Sea Eagle, 3
Otters, a male Hen Harrier
and lots of Red Deer. Both
types of Seal were seen as
were a host of Rabbits. At
Cailaich we saw Gannets,
Shags and Kittiwakes. At
least 5 Kestrels were seen
along with the usual
Buzzards and with one
guest requeating them we
also saw Eider Ducks and
Ravens. With great views
and good company goingback
to work after time off
with our family was fairly
seemless, thanks to all
May 29th
We had two
walks today one at
Cailaich Point and one at
Treshnish, the walks were
either side of lunch at
Calgary art in nature. At
cailaich I saw my first
Fulmars of the year on
Mull taking my total to
May 28th
Pam and I
went out with the family
today and were able to
show the girls there first
ever Cuckoo, a young one
being taught to hunt by a
pair of Meadow Pipits. In
the garden on a daily
basis now we are seeing
Lesser Redpoll which have
joined the usual visitors
to the garden.
May 27th
Pam did the
tour today so I could
change my battery, on the
car, obviously. It was a
lovely day till 11am then
it poured down all day, I
did feel sorry for Pam as
I know how hard finding
wildlife can be in those
conditions. I in the
meantime went to the
swimming baths with the
grand children, it is so
long since I have been to
the baths the girls had to
show me how to use the
lockers. In wildlife terms
the girls were like 3
Dolphins in the water and
I was the Basking Shark
but we all had a Whale of
a time.
Pam - We had 2 hours to
find the wildlife which is
not the easiest task but
in this time we saw a
large herd of Red Deer
with a juvinile White-tail
Eagle flying by and just
managed to see the Golden
Eagle as it dashed back to
it's nest sight before the
rain started. Other birds
of note in the pouring
rain were Great-northern
Diver, Linnet, Common
Sandpiper, Kestral and
Buzard eating a rabbit.
Back at home for afternoon
tea and a warm in front of
the AGA my lovely guests
were pleased with the
numbers of birds in the
garden including
Great-spotted Woodpecker
and Lesser Redpoll.
At times today it felt
like flogging a dead horse
- literaly - as one of my
guests spotted a dead
horse in a field, a first
for a Discover Mull tour.
May 26th
Less rain but
still breezy and cool but
a much better day for
spotting wildlife. An
Otter early in the day,
always a good way to start
a tour and this Otter was
all singing all dancing as
opposed to yesterdays all
sleeping one. On to the
White-tailed Eagle spot
and it flew right over the
van, it can't get much
better than this I
thought. Oh yes it could
as Golden Eagles flew
round and then landed
giving great views through
the telescope, up it got,
flew round again and
landed giving us even
better views through the
telescope. Lunch and hot
soup to warm us up and
then just as we were about
to leave a lovely pair of
Linnets, my day was made.
After lunch a large herd
of 20+ Red Deer, a brief
Hen Harrier and then
shock, horror it began to
rain, time to go home I
thought and so we did, but
we were all pleased with
our day out.
Some days are hard as
the wildlife does not want to play ball
and for us this was one of those days.
we looked at several locations for Hen
Harrier but none obliged, we eventually
saw Golden Eagles but had to wait until
well after lunch to do so and our
White-tailed Eagle sighting although a
good one was simply a bird sitting in a
tree. The Otter sighting today was a
terrific spot but the Otter was sleeping
for most of the time looking like a
rock, it was only her occasional
movements that convinced my guests it
really was an Otter. So some days you
might see most of Mulls main species but
none of them could be described as
really special, this was one of those
May 24th
Strong winds, showers
and very cold for late May. A great
group out again today and most of them
kept their spirits up despite being
bl...y frozen for most of the day. The
wildlife was not really enjoying it much
either except maybe the Buzzards which
seemed to be everywhere. We saw
White-tailed Eagle and Golden Eagle, Hen
Harrier and Red Deer as well as some
small birds and good Common Seals,
although from the praise we got I think
that Pam's very hot home made soup at
lunchtime was the moment of the day. Go
May 23rd
A dry windy day and
preparing for new guests in the
self-catering and the arrival of Simon,
Becky and 3 of our Grand Daughters. I
washed and valeted the mini bus, cleared
through our water supply and filled in
the holes in the drive my usual saturday
chores. I did find time to go out very
locally and find a couple of new birds
for my Mull year list, my first Blackcap
of the year and to my surprise a Garden
Warbler a bird I don't see too often on
May 22nd
A cool but dry day
after a wet start and did the wildlife
of Mull appreciate it after the deluge
of yesterday? you can bet they did.
Fantastic Golden Eagles, wonderful
White-tailed Sea Eagles, sensational Hen
Harriers, fields full of Red Deer, rocks
filling up with Seals and a fishing
Otter and that was just the big stuff.
We saw 65 bird species in the day, close
to a Discover Mull record with Eiders
and Black-tailed Godwits being the
highlights although the Stonechats were
really nice as well. My guests today
were brilliant and I haven't laughed so
much in ages, fun birding just how I
like it to be, the better weather helped
as well.
May 21st
A monsoon day in
which we still saw 50 species even if we
did get really wet. Birds of the day
were the 3 Black-tailed Godwits at
Dervaig at the end of the day, not a
bird seen regularly and a treat that
warmed the cockles, much needed after
the trying day. White-tailed Sea Eagles,
2 Otters lots of Seals and Red Deeralso
seen through the rain. The most common
words on todays tour were pass the
drying cloth please Arthur, very polite
group today. A great view of a Great
Northern Diver with a Crab, tricky for a
Diver to eat I imagine. Birds in the
garden as we had afternoon tea in our
kitchen, yes we do that on wet days,
were Song and Mistle Thrush, Blackbird,
Siskins, Gold, Green and Chaffinch, Coal
and Great Tits, Great Spotted
Woodpecker, Swallows and Collard Dove.
We heard a Cuckoo calling, it was a
little strange, it sounded like I am a
celebrity bird get me out of here. Back
in Tobermory my guests headed to the pub
and I fool that I went looking for a
Glaucous Gull which I did not see
but managed to get a little wetter.
A glorious day and I
got the day off as Pam did the tour to
give this doddery old geeser a day off,
how come she knows which days to pick,
woman's intuition maybe. I will leave
Pam to tell you about the tour but I did
take a picture or two of the Siskins in
our garden.
Pam - A brilliant day with great guests
including the 4 Window cleaners from
Rotherham. As well as very good sighting
of all our favorite species we also saw
a Magpie (not the one in Tobermory),
Spotted Flycatcher, Bullfinch,
Yellowhammer, a bl....y great sheep,
Common Sandpipers and Stonechats. I was
dissapointed when even after much
searching we did not see Arthurs new
bird from yesterday, the Beagle,
.............but we met quite a few
people who had.
May 19th
A day when the strong
winds and frequent showers made it
feel baltic out wildlife watching. To be
fair my guests braved the weather for
most of the day and were rewarded with a
pair of Golden Eagles giving us a
wonderful display of low flying. The
funiest sighting of the day and the one
that provided the most banter, was a new
bird for our tour 'the Beagle' as it is
now called. My guests were convinced
they had an Eagle in their binoculars
and they were not convinced when I told
them it was a Buzzard, even at the end
of the day they were still not conviced,
it is no wonder we call Buzzards
'tourist Eagles' on Mull. Great Gannets
today being blown close in by the wind
but we could not keep our binoculars
steady enough to see them properly but
turning around we were able to see
another Beagle????
May 18th
After an overnight
deluge we had an almost dry day and some
fabulous wildlife sightings. The
highlight for some was the interaction
between a couple of male Hen Harriers,
for some the White-tailed Sea Eagle
coming in and feeding her chicks on the
nest, then there was the Otter but for
me it was a lovely singing Yellowhammer
in a tree by Eas Force waterfall which
was also magnificent after the overnight
rain. Golden Eagle and Red Deer were
seen as were the Eider another good bird
in summer plumage and with Gannets and
Common Terns in Calgary Bay our day was
complete. For you flower lovers out
there, our Spring
is just starting and the
Bluebells are just coming
through and at afternoon tea
break I took this picture of
Butterwort, sometimes called Bog
Violet and you can see why from
the flower.
May 17th
Sunshine and heavy
showers and still cool but I am not
going to complain. I met a farmer from
Mull today who never complains about his
lot but even he says the sheep have
never wintered so badly due to the cold,
rain and winds and lambing this year has
been a disaster and they are still
having to feed their stock as there is
little or no grass yet. On a happier
note todays tour brought excellent Hen
Harrier, Golden Eagle, White-tailed sea
Eagles, Otter, Red Deer, Grey and Common
Seals, Gannets, Goosander, Eider Ducks,
Red Throated Divers, Great Northern
Divers and Siskins. We had a fabulous
day with great guests and over 60
species seen in the day.
Pam, bless her, had a
very busy day, she was up and out doing
a bus tour from Tobermory to Calgary Bay
for guests from a cruise ship. She then
went shopping for goodies for our grand
children who are bringing their mum and
dad up to Mull for Whit week. Home again
and she had to clean Inch Hame in
preparation for impending guests and
then cook a joint for our tea and for
the guests sandwiches for next week. I
too had a busy day, birding,
I went out with my mate Alan Spellman to
look for and find Redstart another bird
for my year list. I must get home and
see if Pam has finished work yet? I do
hope she has. Thanks to my mate for the
Redstart photo.
Another day of mixed
weather, morning ok afternoon dreadful.
Divers were the birds of today with a
few Great Northern Divers seen and then
at lunchtime with rain threatening we
saw a BlackThroated Diver which kept
diving and made showing it to my guests
somewhat difficult. We went looking for
Otters and we spotted another Diver
getting closer we realised it was a Red
Throat and then as if by magic its mate
appeared and they gave us great views
for quite some time. We went back to our
house for afternoon tea to get warm and
out of the rain and had some lovely
views of Siskins in the garden. My new
bird of the day Common Tern.
May 14th
Pam did the tour
today and I was left at home with
instructions. Now you all know of my
avertion to gardening, well even our new
gardener has been having a go at me for
not ridding the garden of all the winter
debris, so today I had to go and do
something about it. This is a case of
out with the old and in with the new,
now I just have to relearn how to use
it, any ideas?
Pam - Whilst Arthur is
busy in the garden (not), I was out
looking for wildlife. The sighting of
the day was male and female Cuckoo
inter-acting and being chased by meadow
pipits as they flew across the hillside.
My guests wanted Otter today but despite
being in the right place at the right
time for over an hour we saw nothing
until the last stop before the end of
the day when, thanks to a kind couple,
we found a young Otter feeding in the
seaweed at high tide. Thank you to Alan
Spellman for sending Arthur this lovely
pic of a Wheatear to use on his blog.
May 13th
Scorcio, well it felt
like it as the temperature rose to a
stupendous 14 degrees at one point and
the sun came out as well and with little
wind it felt more like the Med than the
Arctic conditions of recent days. Hen
Harrier started the day off well and a
lovely pair of Linnets soon followed. We
saw a pair of beautiful Whinchats and
the Sedge Warbler was very obliging. Red
Deer and Seals in very good numbers and
a fantastic Otter at lunch time, one of
two seen today. White-tailed Eagles were
great today sitting in their nest area
and then flying off giving my guests a
fabulous view. Only a distant Golden
Eagle today but this was more than made
up for by the sunshine. Another new bird
for my year list today, a White Wagtail
(Alba) seen at Laggan Bay.
May 12th
What can I say the
weather the same wet and very windy,
great group and the best wildlife can be
described in 3 words, Short
Eared Owls, which were
superb and worth the day out alone. I
did get another new bird for my Mull
year list, Arctic Tern, always nice to
know they have returned from their epic
journey, let us hope the Mink leave
their small colony alone, although I
doubt it. I wish the animal rights
people could see the damage these none
endemic species have done to our native
wildlife. As the saying goes the world
is full of good intentions.
May 11th
Gale force winds,
ferries cancelled, has winter returned,
perhaps not, we saw some Bluebells
trying to come through today. Good news
one of my Golden Eagle pairs was
carrying prey today which means there is
young in the nest. Two white-tailed
Eagle chicks sitting up being fed in a
nest was a particular highlight today
along with the Eider Ducks and Great
Northern Divers. The day ended with a
brief view of a distant Otter and by
brief I really mean brief. On the plus
side it rained less than yesterday which
was not hard. Moody views were
spectacular today.
May 10th
I know that drought
can be awful but so can high winds a d
heavy rain and we got the latter today.
Thanks go to my guests for their good
humoured fortitude in what were truly
awful conditions. I would also like to
thank the White-tailed Eagle looking
after her chicks on the nest, at least
we could see her through the deluge,
also Great Northern Divers, Red Breasted
Mergansers, Whimbrels, Gannets,
Guilliemot, Black Guillemot, Shelduck,
Dunlins, Buzzards, Kestrel, Red Deer
several species that I have not
mentioned which e nsured the day was not
a complete washout. Special mention to
the small flock of Twite seen and the
Manx Shearwaters which flew past
in the wind, the latter being my first
on Mull this year. Once again many
thanks to my brilliant guests.
May 9th
No tour today as it
is change over day in our self-catering
cottages and Pam does the cleaning and I
do as I am told. After we had welcomed
the new guests and had tea we went out
looking for Short Eared Owls as Pam had
not seen any yet this year - what an
hour and a half we had, a Sparrowhawk
flying along the wood by the electric
sub-station, a male Hen Harrier going
bananas, Willow Warblers, a Sedge
Warbler and then the Short Eared Owl. A
fabulous sighting of this beautiful bird
as it hunted the moorland, another male
Hen Harrier on our way home, could the
evening get any better. Yes it could, as
we stopped at the Dervaig reed bed on
our way home a Grasshopper Warbler
appeared on the edge of the reeds right
in front of us, we were really surprised
as this is a bird that normally sculks
in the undergrowth, this one was close
enough to photograph. Finally Pam got to
see some Dunlin feeding in the bay at
Dervaig, what an evening we had just
had, now as Zebedee said its time for
bed, ZZZzzzzzzz.
With all my winter
woolies on we set off on another tour
and after the first two stops the sun
came out and the wind dropped, it was
nearly scorcio. With my suummer kit on
we contiued the tour and saw all of
Mulls main species with Golden Eagle,
the probable stand out. A very good
Otter spotted by a guest and a not so
good Otter spotted by me. I saw my first
Whitethroat of the year today and the
day ended with this great view of a
Cuckoo the second one we saw in the day.
May 7th
A little bird fest
today, just the type of day I like but
it is still perishing cold here on Mull.
My first Reed Bunting of the year and at
least 3 separate House Martins seen
another Mull first for my year list.
Whinchat, Stonechat, Wheatear, Willow
Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat
heard, Yellowhammer, Sand Martins,
Swallows, Meadow Pipits, Linnets,
Whimbrel, I could go on but I need space
to mention the Brilliant Golden and
White-tailed Eagles that we saw today.
We also saw Hen Harrier both types of
Seal and Red Deer all good stuff to warm
the cockles of your heart which was just
as well as the weather wasn't.
May 6th
Water, water
everywhere yet not a drop to spare - our
water suppy was blocked with peat coming
off the newly felled hill and Arthur had
to stop at home to sort it out leaving
me (Pam) to take the tour today. A great
group today although we were a few
minutes late starting out as one couple
were enjoying a very good breakfast at
their hotel. They all wanted to see
Eagles today and no one was dissapointed
with, as well, as distant views early in
the day we had a close Golden Eagle at
lunch time and saw mum & baby
White-tail Eagle in the nest later. A
group of Whimbrel were seen, a first for
many of my guests and a snipe flew over
our heads but the bird of the day was on
Osprey drifting along the ridge of the
mountain, spotted by Andrew who was
forgiven for been late this morning and
given an extra peice of cake. Poor
Arthur was just a jealous guy as he has
not had Osprey on Mull for a couple of
years. He was fantastic today and worked
his magic and the water has returned, I
don't know how he does it.
( Arthur wrote the last sentence when I
was not looking, )

As I was waiting for the Otter to
re-apear I saw this close Wheatear and
remembered that Arthur always has a
photo for you, so here it is.
May 5th
We moved the tour
today as the weather was supposed to be
very bad, in the end it was just bad so
Pam and I went looking for new birds for
my Mull year list. We got Wood warbler
at Salen, Lesser Redpoll and Goldcrest
on the walk to Loch Ba bringing my Mull
year total to 117, see Arthur's Bird
List to see all the species I have seen
on Mull so far this year.We have had
Treecreepers and Great Spotted
Woodpeckers in the garden today along
with Siskins and all our other regular
garden birds. By the door to the
Shieling we have some beautiful
Primroses and two patches of Cowslips
bringing a splash of yellow colour
to the back yard.
May 4th
a much better day
weatherwise with no rain until late
afternoon. Two new species seen for my
Mull year list a Sedge Warbler and Great
Skua, one a lovely wee bird singing its
head off, the other a pirate looking
very fierce as it flew dramatically over
the waves looking for smaller seabirds
to rob. We had brillian interaction
between a Kestrel and Buzzard at
lunchtime, with the Kestrel behaving
more like a fighter plane folding in its
wings and diving at great speed at the
Buzzard. Ravens showing their flying
prowess diving down and dissapearing
below a hill and then bouncing back
again as if they were trampolining which
my guests found amazing. All this along
with both Eagles, Seals, Red Deer
including a stag which had recently lost
his antlers and my guests were really
pleased with their day.

An awful day
weatherwise with gales and driving rain
with sleet, some of my guests thought we
might cancel the tour but we decided to
go ahead with it as we have never
cancelled a tour before due to bad
weather. We saw a very good Otter not
long after starting the tour,
White-tailed Eagles giving us such a
great display my guests did not want to
leave them, lots of Red Deer, Seals and
after a lot of patience as the weather
improved in the late afternoon a very
good Golden Eagle.Interspersed with
these sightings we saw my first Dunlin
of the year, Redshank, Whimbrel, Curlew,
Lapwing, Oystercatchers, Common
Sandpipers, Red Breasted Mergansers,
Great Northern Divers, Swallows, House
Martins, Wheatears amongst over 40
species seen well on a day when you
could have been cooped up in the warmth.
I know where I would rather have been.
Thanks to my guests who all enjoyed
their arctic experience and to John and
Sue who came all the way from Croggan, I
am glad the Short Eared Owl was out
where I said it could be and you saw it
on your long way back home.
May 2nd
A trip to Iona today
to try and see a Corncrake, the
conditions were not helpfull as it was
cool and windy but undetered me and my
pal Nick got on the ferry at 10am.
Arriving on Iona we went straight to the
fire station and their was a lady there
hunkered down out of the wind with a
telescope, " there are two in my scope
she said" and there they were out in the
open more visible than William and
Katherines new baby, photos taken we
were back on Mull by 11am, The high
winds made birding difficult and we only
really saw two species of birds of note
3 rafts of Eider and several Great
Northern Divers some in full breeding
plumage. We went to the Bellachroy last
night to celebrate my birthday and had a
great time, Thanks to Christine, Anthony
and their staff for making the evening
special, to Jac for the cake and Rich
and Sheetal who payed for it all.
No tour today but
left with chores to do by my beloved
wife as she was off on a bus guiding
trip. As I was carrying buckets of water
to our newly planted fruit trees our
nearest White-tailed Eagle flew over the
house, I have it on good authority that
this pair have chicks for the first time
so I expect to see more of them in our
vicinity as the chick(s) start growing.
On my way to do the shopping I took this
picture of one of our local Redshanks,
with so much to do I forgot the milk,
well I am 65 tomorrow. Pam just rang to
say she would be late and could I cook
the tea? who says men can't multi task.

May 2014
May 31st
A beautiful day and I went out
early leaving Pam cleaning the
self-catering cottages which are
both filling up well this year and
we only have one week left to let
out in the Sheiling, week begining
26th July until the week begining
16th August so for anyone
considering a late Summer or
Autumn holiday on Mull I should
seriously start looking at
accommodation as soon as possible
as Mull is having a very good year
with tourists this year. Mid term
update on Eagles, they seem to be
having a very good year, Harriers
not so many but those with nests
have large clutches and finally
Short Eared Owls are very thin on
the ground.
May 30th
Our guests today were really nice
and very patient with us and they
had to be as the start of their
day was not promising. Two booked
guests did not turn up, the bus
from Oban was late and our car,
bringing the stand by guests,
broke down just after they had
arrived at the meeting point. The
tour eventually got under way and
we saw lots of Buzzards and Eagles
but what they all wanted to see
more than anything else was Otter
and just like on Spring watch one
turned up at the end of the day,
not the closest I have ever seen
but it was an Otter in the wild
and quite good through the
telescope and the first wild Otter
any of my guests had seen so they
were realy pleased that their
patience had been rewarded.
May 29th
Poor Arthur
had to go to the dentist today for a
filling leaving me (Pam) in charge of
todays tour which turned out to be an
Eagle bonanzer. A White-tail Eagle was
found first, sitting in an old haunt
where we have not seen it for a while
and after it flew we were able to look
at some of the lovely wildflowers that
are now starting to appear finding my
first sundews, butterworts and orchid of
the year. Then a Golden Eagle was
spotted by one of my guests as I was
driving, I stopped and we watched fly
higher and higher until it
dissapeared into the clouds. At
our lunch stop we found this beautiful
Golden Eagle just sitting on a fence
post, friends David and Christine
stopped and David took this lovely photo
of the bird and sent it to us. The eagle
kindly waited until we had eaten all the
sandwiches before flying. Next was the
White-tail Eagle again, flying, sitting,
carrying prey, feeding it's 2 chicks,
what more can you ask for.... oh yes, an
Otter rolling on the seaweed behind us.
May 28th
More wildlife disturbance today this
time by a person with a large camera
clambering over rocks where the Otter is
usually seen, unfortunately for him he
did not realise that the tide had come
in and he had to wade back to the shore
which made me smile, one up for the hard
pressed wildlife. Eagles and Otter
stared again today but all my guests saw
their first ever Cuckoo and one said it
was worth the tour just to see that.
Good views today of Whitethroat,
Whinchat and Stonechat and I saw a pair
of Linnets so I was Chuffed as well. I
would like to thank Pam from all our
guests who continually praise the
refreshment on the tours, particularly
her home made hot soup and home baking,
I know we advertise it but guests still
seem surprised by the quality.
May 27th
An absolutely beautiful Mull day with
views to make your heart sing and
although I never like to single out the
big stuff on Mull today was one of those
days when they completely overshadowed
everything else we saw except for a
brilliant Cuckoo which most of my guests
had never seen before. We had 6 very
good Golden Eagles all giving views of
colour and size as they flew around or
landed where we could see them well with
the scope. White-tailed Eagles with one
being mobbed by a Hooded Crow flying
right over our heads. Then the Otters 3
of them at different locations, one of
them giving really good views until it
was disturbed by a couple in a boat who
proceeded to chase it into hiding, this
type of disturbance of wildlife really
annoys me. After they had given up and
moved on the Otter came out againand
gave us good uninterupted views of it
catching fish as we were at a safe
distance and being very quiet it did not
know we were there. This in my opinion
is the way to watch wildlife in its own
May 26th
Hoorah, there were birds in the sea, the
first I have seen in ages if you don't
count the Great Northern Divers. Today I
saw 2 new species for the year an Arctic
Skua and Puffins and remember we are a
land based tour. Other birds seen at sea
were Guilliemots, Black Guilliemots,
Gannets and Shags and we also had a Grey
Seal, on the shore at the same spot were
Wheatears, Starlings and Oystercatchers
and a pair of Shelduck flew through. Our
first stop had produced a single late
Dunlin, Redshank, Common Sandpiper and
Oystercatchers with a distant view of a
Goosander. A total of 5 Cuckoos were
seen by guests today and we had
particularly good sightings of Golden
Eagles and Otter.
May 25th
A beautiful day for photos, views and
flowers and we covered the lot on our
tour today, add in the birds and mammals
seen and you can tell we had another
good day on Mull are there any other
kind. Eagles today were the star
attraction but the Shelduck ducklings
make me smile and today was no exception
scurrying around in the kelp as their
agitated parents tried unsuccessfully to
keep control. I have seen better Otter
than we saw today and it was thanks to
Ryan, my spotter of the day that we saw
one at all. New bird of the year seen
today was Arctic Tern.
May 24th
A lovely day and I spent time in my
local patch around Ardrioch today seeing
2 new species for my year list, Spotted
Flycatchers and Long-tailed Tits. other
notable species seen were Bullfinch,
Blackcap, Tree Pipit, Treecreeper,
Lesser Redpoll, Siskins, Great Spotted
Woodpecker, Yellowhammers, Goldcrest,
Willow Warblers and lots of Robins and
Swallows. this morning I got our Midge
machine going and hope to catch lots of
Midges as they drive Pam nuts. As I
write this blog I am watching the birds
on our feeders in the lovely evening
sunshine and enjoying the views across
the Loch, we do live in a spectaculr,
beautiful place.
May 23rd
A day of mainly big 5 sightings today
with a White-tailed Eagle being mobbed
by a Buzzard and male Hen Harrier giving
good size comparrisons between the
three. A sighting of two Golden Eagles
after morning coffee and fabulous views
of another pair at afternoon tea. An
Otter sighting after lunch, not the best
I have ever had but all right given the
blustery conditions. Red Deer seen well
again as were both types of Seal but I
think the White-tailed Eagles and chicks
in the afternoon were my guests
highlight of the day.
May 22nd
A nice cool, cloudy, breezy day with no
sign of rain and much harder birding
than yesterday but we did manage a
female Hen Harrier at our third stop
being put up by a White-tailed Sea
Eagle, both good views if somewhat
distant but all my guests were birders
and the birds hung around for some time
so everyone was pleased wth the
sighting. Earlier we had seen some
Waders with Dunlin being the pick but
often forgotten Oystercatchers are
looking really good in breeding plumage,
Redshank and Curlew were also seen.
Stonechats were seen well and so were
the Slow Worms and lots of Red Deer
today but we had to wait till lunchtime
for our first sighting of a Golden Eagle
but it was worth the wait. In the
afternoon we saw more good Eagle
sightings with the highlight being
White-tailed Eagle chicks in their nest
and we also saw a brief Sedge Warbler
and some Great Northern Divers which was
a first ever for at least one of my
guests. The day finished on a real high
as we spotted an Otter at last bringing
in a fish and giving us very close views
for about 20 minutes, this meant we were
rather late finishing the tour today but
as guests were enjoying the show and we
have no ferries to meet it doesn't
May 21st
Over night downpours continued into the
morning and it was not looking too
promising when I picked up my guests
today. The rain had eased but was still
persistent as we arrived at our first
stop and a Cuckoo flew past persued by a
Meadow Pipit before we had all got out
of the bus. Within seconds we had
spotted a male Hen Harrier which gave us
good views and then a Willow Warbler was
found in a bush and then a Whinchat and
then another Cuckoo fly past and we were
still at our first stop. Linnet,
Buzzard, Stonechat and Sand Martins were
seen at the next stop and so it went on.
At every stop something new including 3
sightings of Peregrine Falcons, my first
Short Eared Owl of the year, both types
of Eagle, Red Deer, both types of Seal
an Otter and a Hare. In all on a great
day of not great weather 52 bird and 6
mammal species were seen. I got home and
Pam told me three people had cancelled
because the forecast was not good and
there is no rain in tomorrows forecast,
ah pehaps thats why they cancelled.
May 20th
A dry warm day and Shelduck with
ducklings always a delight to see and
one I look forward to each year. Golden
Eagles were in evidence sitting enjoying
the warm weather, at least they were
till they were rudely interupted by some
annoying Hooded Crows. Two Otters today
and a very brief Hen Harrier but lots of
small birds were seen, including baby
White tailed Eagle chicks being fed by
their mother. Deer and Seals were
behaving well and we saw Rabbits but no
Hares today, so we returned home very
warm and tired after another good day of
wildlife watching.
May 19th
A much nicer day with some actual
sunshine and we saw 57 species in the
day, the highlight for me was 2 Red
Throated Divers and a superb Whinchat at
our first stop. I know my guests really
only want to see the Mull big stuff,
Eagles, Otters, Deer and Seal but Mull
has so much more to offer and I try on
the tour to give guests a flavour of all
Mull has to offer and maybe just maybe
introduce some visitors nto becoming
bird watchers or wildlife watchers which
is even better. I think most of my
guests appreciate this approach and for
the record we saw brilliant Golden and
White-tailed Eagles today, Red Deer and
both types of Seal, very good Otter and
Hares but if we had just chased after
the big stuff we would have missed most
of the rest.
May 18th
Today was similar to yesterday but
calmer and I knew when I met our guests
we were in for a good day despite the
conditions. We laughed, poked gentle fun
out of each other and all in all had a
great time and as I sometimes say I had
a ball. On to the wet wildlife, Otter,
Seals, Rabbits, Hares, Red and Fallow
Deer, ah but where are all the birds I
hear you thinking, patience and I will
reveal all. White-tailed Eagle sitting
in a tree, a baby without umbrella poked
its head up saw it was still raining and
went back in the nest, Mum flew in to
tuck it up, then Dad flew in with with
food surrounded by a squadron of Hooded
Crows, A Buzzard put in a guest fly past
and a Golden Eagle mistakingly thinking
the rain was stopping flew round,
landed, flew round again, landed again,
then flew to the top of a hill landed
and gave us great views as it tried
unsuccessfully to dry out. Great
Northern Divers in good numbers and Red
Breasted Merganser and Eider Ducks at
the end of the day. Little birds seen
were Willow Warbler, Whitethroat,
Stonechat and Whinchat and special birds
Snipe and Lapwings with chicks. As we
headed home a chink of blue sky appeared
but the rain continued to fall, the
jokes and laughter continued unabated
and I must thank my guests for giving me
such a great day, particularly Pete,
Alan, Gay and Joy who certainly lived up
to her name.
May 17th
It rained all day today and as we had no
tour Pam cleaned the chalets and I did
my few chores. Some sad news filtered
through from yesterday, I mentioned the
rising wind yesterday afternoon and it
appears a local man got into trouble in
his boat and trying to swim to shore
unfortunately drowned. This sad event
must make us think that you cannot take
the sea and weather conditions lightly
and not to sound to elf and safety
always check out weather conditions
before you take to the seas even in sea
lochs, yesterday was a tragic lesson to
us all.
May 16th
Back to normal today and Buzzards were
out in force, it was a shame the other
raptors were not so obliging. Little
birds were much better and we watched
the Whitethroat flitting from bush to
bush until everyone had seen it. Good
sightings of Chats, other Warblers,
Linnet, Lapwings with chicks and Great
Northern Divers and a very good Black
Guillemot. Joy at last for our guests as
we saw both Eagles well and a brilliant
Otter before the gale force wind and
promised rain put an end to an otherwise
great day out.
May 15th
Still low cloud this morning but
fortunatly no rain and with Arthurs day
off today I (Pam) set off with a lovely
group seeing mainly small birds with
Sedge Warblers and Reed Buntings showing
well. On our way down to our lunch stop
with had a White-tail Eagle, distant to
start with but eventually flying towards
us to give us great size comparisons
with Buzzards and Hooded Crows. As the
clouds cleared away we eventually had
good views of Golden Eagles and plenty
of Red Deer and a few Fallow Deer but
Otter eluded us until our afternoon tea
stop when we spotted one on a distant
island. All our guests saw it breifly
before it dissapeared as we drank our
tea and ate our cake then someone
spotted it again, it had curled up for a
sleep but as the tide was nearly
knocking it off it's rock it had to move
eventually giving good views before
slipping off into the water.
May 14th
With the weather due to deteriorate at
lunchtime I offered my guests Eagles or
morning comfort breaks, they chose the
Eagles which was a wise choice as we saw
both Golden and White-tailed Eagles
brilliantly and also unexpectedly a
female Hen Harrier before coffee break.
The fact that Coffee break was nearly an
hour late due to guests crossed legs is
irrelevant but it was their dicision to
put seeing the wildlife before their
comfort and I really respected their
choice as after lunch low cloud and
drizzle prevented us seeing anything
well except for a male Hen Harrier
towards the end of the day.
May 13th
A beautiful Spring day and lots of small
birds about and Cuckoos everywhere but
the sighting of the day was a Hare,
brown on top but its undebelly,legs and
feet still winter white it was certainly
a lovely sight in a field with a Rabbit
and Falow Deer. Golden Eagles put on a
show late in the day but the
white-tailed were more in evidence today
with great views in the morning and
evening. Otter today was brief to say
the least but some guests saw it running
over the rocks before magically
dissapearing in the kelp. Another very
good Mull day with 53 species seen well
except for the dratted Otter which only
put in a guest appearance. Thanks to
Mike Murphy for the photo's.

A day of real heavy showers, one lasted
an hour and a half and I got drenched,
at least it wasn't too cold. Little
birds took centre stage this morning
with great views of Whitethroat,
Whinchat, Grasshopper Warbler, Stone
chat and Cuckoo, later we saw a Sedge
Warbler. At lunchtime in pouring rain I
found an Otter, my guests said they
would come and look at it after they had
finished their soup and sandwiches????
fortunately it obligingly hung around
long enough for them all to see it.
After the rain stopped we had very good
sightings of White-tailed and Golden
Eagles and a male Red Breasted
Merganser. Mammals seen were Common
Seals and Red Deer, a good day even if I
have shrunk 2 inches.
May 11th
An important day in the footballing year
for Arthur and so I took the tour today
and left him to sit in front of the TV.
A good start to the day with a Cuckoo
and Slow Worms followed by quite distant
Golden and White-tail Eagles, it was not
until around lunch time that we saw
closer wildlife with a mum and cub Otter
frolicing on the rocks before curling up
and going to sleep, 3 Golden Eagles with
the male doing spectacular 'Golden Ball
dives' and a while later a male
White-tail Eagle bringing food into the
nest and the female feeding the small
chicks who every now and again raised
there heads to be seen by delighted
guests. At the end of the day as I
returned home I worried, was Arthur
going to be happy or
sad.................All was well in
Arthurs world, Manchester City won the
May 10th
I had a day off
A cool day with quite a breeze but
mainly dry. We had to be patient today
but it was well worth it with the Hen
Harrier again putting on a great show,
as did the Whitethroat, the warm up act
for the Harrier main show. Stonechat and
Slow Worms at our second stop and lots
of wheatear everywhere. We saw both
Black Throated and Great Northern Divers
and heard but did not see a Red Throat,
Whimbrel, Curlew, Lapwing and Dunlin all
seen well as were Buzzards and a Sedge
Warbler, mamals Seen were both types of
Seal, Red Deer and Rabbit and once again
at the end of the day an Otter. finally
a mention to the White-tailed and Golden
Eagles you are behaving beautifully at
the moment, long may it continue.
May 8th
A lovely day and brilliant Hen Harrier
at the start of the tour as well as
Cuckoo, Whitethroat, Willow warbler and
a Golden Eagle my guests were well
pleased particularly the ones who really
wanted to see the Harriers. More Golden
Eagles were to follow with exceptional
views at the end of the afternoon.
Another special sighting today were 2
Red throated Divers, a real treat being
very close. White-tailed Eagles were
seen well as were Kestrels, a Sedge
Warbler and Linnets and Twite and to end
a very good day an Otter the second of
the day but much better than the first.
May 7th
We had showers today and I do mean
showers on our side of the Loch
torrential rain on the other sunshine,
ah well you can't win them all. Super
White-tailed Eagle flying low over the
Loch being chased by Oystercatchers, I
would like to say it was great planning
by me but really I just wanted to be on
the nice side of the Loch. It took all
day but I eventually found an Otter and
it was a good one and really pleased one
of my guests who desperately wanted to
see an Otter in the wild. Two new birds
today, a Whitethroat and 4 Common Terns
and the bird of the day for me Black
Throated Diver.
May 6th
A breezy but dry day and fantastic
Otters, a mother and 2 cubs, we were
able to see one cub suckling its mum as
they settled down my guests were
enraptured as you might well guess. Four
White-tailed Eagles today 2 sitting in a
tree out of the wind as I am fairly sure
their nest has failed although this has
not been confirmed yet. The other pair
have certainly got a least one chick as
they are bringing in prey. Golden
Eagles, Whimbrel, Black Throated
Diver,Eiders, and kestrel were the best
of the rest today and of course we saw
some Red Deer and both types of Seal,
the latter somewhat forgotten because of
the Otters in the same vicinity.
May 5th
Very windy this morning but we had a
terrific start to the day with Hen
Harrier, White-tailed Eagle, Slow worms
and 2 Otters in the first hour. At
coffee break the weather had started to
turn and rain on driving wind set in for
the rest of the day although we did get
Kestrel and Buzzards, very good
Whimbrel, Razorbills and Black
Guillemots. Red and Fallow Deer were
seen as was a single Common Seal picked
up by some eagle eyed guests. Although
the weather became almost intoerable
because we had seen most of Mulls big
stuff due to our early start everyone
was in good spirits and enjoying a lot
of banter and Pam's hot soup, the day
finished with Eider Ducks it was a very
good day for them. Thanks to all our
May 4th
"Do you still go out if it is raining?"
we are often asked and today it rained
and rained and yes we went out with a
van full of guests. Now I know it is
more pleasant if the weather is fine but
what else would you be doing on Mull on
a very wet day? In the event we saw 3
White-tailed Sea Eagles, one flying, a
flying Golden Eagle, 3 Otters a mother
and cub at one site and a single female
at another, Red and Fallow Deer and a
couple of Slow Worms. Other birds of
note seen were Gannet, Razorbills,
Guillemot and Black Guillemot, Black
Throated, Red Throated and Great
Northern Divers, Eider Ducks and
Shelduck, Whimbrel, Snipe and Lapwing
and all three Hirondine species and at
the end of the day it was still raining.
May 3rd
A nicer day than was forcast and I went
out looking for more incoming migrants
and saw my first Wood Warbler of the
year and we saw a better sighting of a
Grasshopper Warbler but still no sign of
Redstart. On a more sporty front
Manchester City just managed to beat
Everton this evening thus keeping alive
their chances of winning the premier
league, suppoting this team will be the
death of me, no wonder I have high blood
May 2nd
A great tour today with 60 species seen
on the day. The first stop was a real
highlight with 2 male Hen Harriers
having a scrap and they were joined by a
Buzzard, then after breaking off one of
the Harriers presumably the winner went
into display mode giving our guests
great views of a remarkable bird. At the
same spot we saw a Whinchat my first on
Mull this year and some Willow Warblers.
We had good sightings of all the Mull
special species and my guests were
really delighted with the very good
views of Whimbrel and Cuckoo.
May 1st
A cool dull breezy day but no tour as I
have a BTO meeting this afternoon but I
did go out and get 2 new birds for my
year list. Firstly early doors a
Chiffchaff in Aros Park, I also saw a
pair of Bullfinches in the park as well.
After breakfast Pam and I went to see if
we could find any Redstart in the Loch
Ba woods but only saw a male Blackcap,
Chaffinches a Bluetit and tree Pipits.
It was on the walk to the Loch when we
saw a flock of Lesser Redpoll my second
new year bird of the day taking me to
120 for the year. On Loch Ba itself we
saw 3 Goosanders in breeding plumage
they looked very smart. Thanks to all my
BTO volunteers I think we might cover
all our brreding bird and water bird
squares on Mull this year.
- 2013
but still dry after a damp start and Pam
joined me on the tour for the first time
in a while and we had a good day wildlife
watching particularly on the Eagle front,
which are showing well at the moment. We
had 2 guests from Spain on with us today
and they were delightful, it is great when
we can introduce visitors from other
countries to the delights that Mull has to
offer. We went to the Bellachroy with
friends this evening and had a wonderful
time. Congratulations to David and
Catherine on their engagement it was
really terrific news and Pam and I are so
pleased for you and we don't want to hear
any talk of cancellations.
with a breeze, a lot of red faces today,
from the sun not embarrassment and another
lovely tour. We had Americans on the tour
today and they were interested in all the
birds I had to show them as they don't get
most of them in America. The Mull raptors
were in splendid form showing off to our
overseas visitors with Lapwings, Common
Sandpipers and Stonechats also showing well.
More stunning views around Mull today and
the Bluebell wood with the sun shining
through just took your breath away.
sunny (I wore sun glasses all day) breezy
day. Just occasionally you get a day when
guests although very nice are not very
communicative and make my job a little
harder trying to entertain them, today was
definitely not one of them, it was full of
laughs and good spotters, a very easy and
enjoyable day for me and I hope for
them as well. All Mulls main wildlife
performed well, some better than others but
we had cracking views of Cuckoos almost in
compromising positions, which brought out
the naughty side in my guests, they nearly
made me blush, but not quite. A great day
out with friends, isn't that what it should
be about and the views were excellent too.
lovely sunny day even if it was quite windy
for most of the day. The views today were
magical and the views of the Eagles and
Otters, Deer and Seal equally so, it was a
day when all my guests left with all their
requests more than fulfilled. Sometimes my
job is just brilliant and it more than made
up for the disappointment of yesterdays
cancellations, thanks to all involved the
animals and guests.
A lot
of overnight rain which turned into a really
great day of sunshine and light wind, the
weather was so bad that we had 3
cancellations today, I am now worried that
if the sun keeps shining and we don't have
gale force winds we will get a lot more
cancellations, bring back the gales, rain
and cold when no guests cancelled. Brilliant
views of Golden and White-tailed Eagles
today, both types of Deer and Common Seal
also seen as well as 53 bird species.
Sighting of the day was a Mother Goosander
with 8 newly hatched ducklings coming down
the burn onto the Loch for the first time,
where all 8 ducklings climbed upon mum's
back and hitched a ride, a wonderful
experience for all my guests and the 3 who
cancelled missed it. I don't often get
annoyed but on this occasion I did,
particularly as we had turned away
prospective guests who would have loved to
have come out on a tour with us and they
cancelled so late that we had made all the
refreshments for the day.
lovely day and lots of great sightings
including a very good Otter and a breeding
plumaged Great Northern Diver that made one
of my guests holiday let alone day out.
Another highlight was a post hopping Cuckoo
which all my guests managed to see through
the telescope even if not on the same post,
it was as if the little blighter was having
a game with me.
nice weather and I did my last BTO walk for
May today around Ardrioch, that is within a
square kilometre and I saw 30 species of
birds. The 2 top birds for me were Blackcap
and Spotted Flycatcher as they were new for
me on Mull this year. Other notable birds
that I don't often see were Bullfinch,
Lesser Redpoll although they are in the
garden but usually when I am out on tours,
Goldcrest, Cuckoo and Treecreeper. This list
does not include any birds of prey as I did
not see any when doing the count but Pam
sees most of them during the week if she is
not too busy. Also it does not include
anything on the Loch which is just outside
my given square. We are very lucky to live
in an area of so many diverse species and no
disruption from human interference although
this year the natural elements haven't
helped them.
beautiful warm, sunny Spring day and what
were we doing, BEACH CLEANING, the annual
back breaking day. There were 2 Otters out
as we arrived but no time to watch them just
picking up litter from the beach, why do
people drop litter at all especially in a
lovely environment like ours on Mull. We get
a lot of debris from fishing boats and fish
farms as well and as I was trying to pull
some rope out of the mud it suddenly gave
way and yours truly fell onto my back in the
said mud, looking and feeling somewhat
foolish. At the end of the afternoon Pam and
I and our friend Mari had cleaned up a large
stretch of beach and there were lots of bin
liners full of rubbish for the council to
take away and this benefits the local school
who get money from the council for our
efforts. The school children teachers and
volunteers clean up another beach and this
gives the children a good lesson in how
littering destroys the environment they live
at 6.5 degrees Celsius, gale force winds,
snow just north of Glasgow, has the world
gone mad. It was back to my complete winter
wardrobe today but we set off to find Mull's
Summer species and we had great views of a
Cuckoo complete with chattering beak and a
look which said "where the He.. am I?" The
White-taied Eagle we saw in the morning was
clinging on to a branch like grim death, I
still don't know if it flew deliberately or
just fell off its perch. Golden Eagles
at lunch time, just showing off as if to say
" We are the daddies " and an Otter on an
island which was easy to see and then in the
raging water where it was almost impossible
to see. We had afternoon tea at our house
and watched our garden birds as guests stood
in pools of water as they thawed out.
very windy cold day and I was forced back
into my winter base layers no wonder the
birds are having a hard time and guess what
we have not had any Basking Sharks yet.
Wonderful guests again today who showed
patience and fortitude. It was a case of you
get what you deserve and in their case that
was very good Otters a mother with a cub in
a sheltered spot, they were sheltered, we
weren't. White-tailed Eagle flying past just
as we arrived at a pull off place, giving
great views and the only one we saw all day.
We then went to a Golden Eagle site and had
to wait for over an hour till one appeared
but my guests remained positive and in good
humour despite almost having hypothermia.
Just before the end of the day a brilliant
Cuckoo seen by all the guests through the
telescope, it was sitting on fence posts but
playing games with us as I don't think any
of my guests saw it on the same fence post
as it kept flying from one post to another.
A great day for the big stuff but our tours
feel more like the David Attenborough
programme Life in the freezer at the moment.
windy cool day and it was a good day for
Eagles with both White-tailed and Golden
Eagles showing well, we had a very good male
Hen Harrier hunting over moorland and some
lovely Lapwing chicks which greatly pleased
our guests. Todays guests were also
interested in the history of Mull as well as
the wildlife and it is on these days when
our knowledge of the local history on Mull
comes in very handy.
thanks to Dave Wilford and his wife for
agreeing to come out on Thursday instead of
today, as due to an administrative error
(not our fault) we had 10 guests to fit in 8
seats and my small brain was struggling to
find a solution . Today weather was just the
opposite to yesterday with my nightmare
scenario, low cloud. In the end we did see
some of Mulls special wildlife but not as
well as i would have liked. On a happier
note guests wanted to see the geology and
standing stones on North Mull and we had
great views of those, sometimes it pays to
have more than one string to your bow.
perfect day for wildlife watching on Mull,
dull, warm but with no wind, I know people
like sunny days, don't we all, but for
wildlife watching dull and calm is much
better. To prove my point we started our day
at 9-30 and by mid-day we had seen Golden
Eagles, White-tailed Eagle, Otter, Red Deer
and a male Hen Harrier. We were to see more
during the day including 2 more Otters.
Other birds of the day in a day when 59
species of birds were seen were Whinchat and
A very
windy day and certainly not the best
conditions to do some of my BTO squares but
as I cannot get out on my own except
Saturdays, needs must. As expected it was
disappointing although there were at least 5
pairs of Common Sandpipers on the Forsa
River on my patch. Readers who know about my
hill bog patch will chuckle to know I saw
even less than normal up there and my feet
got very wet. On a happier note I did manage
to get Wood Warbler to add to my Mull year
A dry
breezy day and warm out of the wind. As well
as very good views of Eagles today we also
had good sightings of some little birds at
last, these included Stonechat, Whinchat,
Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Willow Warbler,
Wheatear and Sand Martins at their nests.
Other birds of note on a mainly bird
watching day were Whimbrel, Lapwing with
tiny chicks and Geese both Greylag and
Canada with goslings.
Spring has sprung at last temperatures up to
16 degrees, birds singing, sun shining, Mull
at its radiant best. The day ended on a real
high with a brilliant view of a Male Hen
Harrier, a wonderful view of a lovely
Whinchat and a stunning Cuckoo all at the
same time. The White-tailed Eagles had put
on a show earlier in the day and the Red
Deer had come out to enjoy the sunshine,
There was a lot more birds and mammals seen
but not as spectacularly although the second
Otter did perform a lot better than the
first. I must go now and do a little sun
bathing on the lawn.
nice day weather wise but feeling colder in
a strong wind. Red Deer, 2 Golden Eagles and
a White-tailed Eagle and we had only been
going for an hour. These were quickly
followed by some very fine looking Eider
Ducks gossiping away like no bodies business
and some Common Seals just hanging around as
only Common Seals can. Guests wanted an
Otter and we found one on an island but
before all my guests had seen it the
unobliging mammal had slipped into a very
rough sea making it very difficult to see
for anyone not used to using a telescope.
Eventually, to my great relief it came out
on another island with a fish so all my
guests were able to watch it. Towards the
end of the day we were rewarded with a male
Hen Harrier, a Dipper and a fine male
Stonechat. We returned home happy but very
lovely day if not particularly warm and the
Eagles were everywhere as were Buzzards. On
the Eagle front we had are best views of
both types of Eagle for the year today with
a White-tail flying over us very close and
the boat nowhere in sight, that's for
readers in the know. A Golden Eagle also
flew directly over us and I was so entranced
like all my guests I forgot all about my
camera, wildlife in the raw can do that to
you and even though I see them most days
some sightings are still so precious.
Another Otter seen well today as were Willow
and Sedge Warbler.
We had
everything today and that was just the
weather, gale force gusts, sleet, hail, rain
and at times even a little blue sky. The
wind was so bad we had to go to a different
area on Mull on todays tour just so that we
could stand up but never the less we managed
3 White-tailed Eagles, 3 Golden Eagles, 2
Otters very close, Red and Fallow Deer and
finally great views of both male and female
Hen Harrier. Other bird of note were a party
of 17 Turnstones in summer plumage, a lovely
bird to see. Brilliant guests with lots of
laughs, if you come to Mull it can sometimes
take good humour, tenacity, patience but the
rewards are worth the effort on this
incredible wildlife island, it is certainly
never dull.
we are coming to the end of winter, has the
world turned upside down and we haven't
noticed, more rain and cold biting winds all
day. We had 2 Otters on the tour today, 2
White-tailed Eagles, miraculously a brief
Golden Eagle, Red and Fallow Deer and Common
Seals. Birds of the day were Whimbrels
giving great views and a fabulous
Yellowhammer. Now where is the fire and hot
toddy to warm my bones, possible snow
forecast for tomorrow, Oh joy.
tour as it is a Saturday and it is still
raining. I brushed down the taping and
filling in the bathrooms today and ended up
looking like a snowman and in the cold winds
feeling a bit like one as well. We have Tree
Pipits in the wood and possibly a Wood
Warbler but that needs more investigation.
Deep depression as Manchester City lost in
the F.A. Cup final but congratulations to
Wigan and in particular Dave Whelan, if we
had to lose it couldn't have been to a more
deserving chap.
total washout so as I had no tour today I
spent the day seeing what turned up in the
garden from our kitchen window, sad I know
but revealing none the less. We had a female
Hen Harrier, 2 Ravens our resident Hooded
Crows, a Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, 2 Tree
Creepers, Lesser Redpolls, Siskins, Coal,
Blue and Great Tits, Chaffinches,
Goldfinches, Greenfinches, Blackbirds,
Robin, Dunnock, Yellowhammer, Rock Dove,
Collard Dove and a Great Black Backed Gull.
As one guest recently said you could nearly
do the tours from your kitchen. So for
anyone booked in at our self-catering don't
forget to bring your binoculars and bird
watch in comfort from your sitting room if
the weather is bad.
A wet
start but some improvement during the day
which was very similar to yesterday but the
highlight for my guests was the Otter which
they were all wanting to see. A couple of my
guests had been coming to Mull for 3 years
and hadn't seen an Otter, well they have
now. In the evening on a drive out locally
Pam and I saw a Male Hen Harrier carrying
large prey which was either an obese Field
Vole or a small Rabbit. We had earlier had a
great pro-longed sighting of a hunting Short
Eared Owl, thanks to Alan and Jean guests in
our self-catering for pointing it out to us
as it saved us looking for it ourselves.
I went
to see if I could see anything at the
Reedbeds this morning and was lucky to see
my first Sedge Warbler of the year so a good
start to the day as was the weather but it
deteriorated as the day went on. We had good
sightings of both Eagles, despite the rain,
and Otter on the day and brilliant views of
Lesser Redpolls and Siskins in our garden
where we stopped for afternoon tea to get
warm and dry. My guests said we could do the
tours just from our kitchen there were so
many birds in the garden.
well not exactly but a massive improvement
on recent days with a warm not freezing
breeze. I woke up to find a Lesser Redpoll
in the garden and my first on Mull this
year, so I knew we were in for a good day.
On the tour we saw my first Common
Whitethroat of the year and Willow Warblers
singing at every stop, Spring has arrived.
Golden Eagles were performing as they had
been kept down by the rain and White-tails
too put on a show. We had 2 very good
separate Otters and more Red Deer than you
could shake a stick at. More birds and
Mull's incredible views, happy guests, my
day was complete, " Oh Happy Day."
I am
not going to mention the weather other than
to say it hasn't changed, the wildlife we
saw hadn't changed much either. I hardly
ever say this but today was almost a carbon
copy of yesterday except we had longer and
better views of Otter. Tomorrow it is a
better forecast and we might get to see a
Golden Eagle again and hopefully some new
returning migrants, as always I will keep
readers of my blog informed.
keep falling on my head, yes, you guest it
another wet and windy day and we got lucky
we had 2 Ring-tailed Hen Harriers a
White-tailed Eagle sitting and flying and an
Otter all in the first hour and a half, that
was in the rain, then it poured, it is still
raining as I wright this blog, it has to
stop sometime. Other notable sightings were
Whimbrels, great Northern Divers, Gannet,
Razorbills, Manx Shearwaters and a Black
Guillemot. On the mammal front as well as
Otter we had Rabbits, Red Deer Common and
Grey Seals. On another very poor day weather
wise we saw 46 bird species and 6 mammals
another 50+ species day, I wonder how many
we could see on a nice day, maybe it will be
tomorrow, let's hope so.
very windy and at times wet day but as I had
a day off I went to Iona to try and get a
Corncrake for my year list, Corncrakes are
the only bird I count that I don't see on
Mull even though we do have a few. As you
probably know Corncrakes are notoriously
difficult to see even though they are quite
noisy so I managed to get one picture with a
Corncrake in it, see if any of you can find
it on the photo below? From this you can
gather I did see the bird and also added a
Twite at Ardalanish to my list of birds seen
on Mull in 2013. Birds of the day were a
field full of mainly breeding plumaged
Golden Plover with a few Dunlin in with
them, my count of the Plovers exceeded 200
and to those of you who have heard my
cautionary tale there were definitely no
Just a
spot of rain today or should i say deluge
but at least the wind had dropped. Dolphins
for the 3 time on a tour this year and 3
Tufted Ducks what a way to start a tour and
certainly cheered up my guests who were
great by the way. A white-tailed Eagle
looking suitably miserable in the wet in
spite of recently becoming a dad again and 3
Red Throated Divers at our next stop, things
were going swimmingly, literally. Then 2
Otters, oh joy of joys as my guests
desperately wanted to see Otters and were
threatening to do unspeakably things to me
if they didn't see any. After lunch Dipper,
3 Whimbrel and a group of Red Deer jumping a
sheep fence and then it poured so home for
afternoon tea and a dry off.
On a
day of pouring rain and wind I was met at
Cathy Duffy's bed and breakfast by Harry and
his gang from 2 days ago with window cleaner
and a cloth and a lot of birthday wishes,
cheers chaps it was most kind of you. On to
todays tour, many thanks to all my guests
for your fortitude and good humour on what
could only be described as a trying day, in
fact bl....y cold and wet. We did see a
brief but good male Hen Harrier, a brief but
good White-tailed Eagle, a brief but good
Otter all thanks to my guests spotting
skills, I take no credit for any of them. I
did manage to find my first Whinchat of the
year and we saw a lot of Great Northern
Divers including a fabulous one in Calgary
Bay in full summer plumage. Several Whimbrel
were seen as were a skein of Barnacle Geese
flying low over the water from Cailaich
Point. The day finished with a beautiful
summer plumaged Black Headed Gull at
Dervaig, not a species we see in great
numbers on Mull. My thanks to Blake and
Sheila for the birthday card and all my
guests who make my job special and find me
so many birds, cheers to you all.
nice sunny day which was enjoyed all the
Mull big stars, except for us, Otters which
despite lots of searching remained elusive.
Hen Harriers however, they were a different
kettle of fish with 3 flying together a male
and 2 females, now I know male Hen Harriers
can have more than 1 female but taking them
out together seems a little strange even to
me. Golden Eagles popped up everywhere as
did hundreds of Buzzards, there wasn't
actually hundreds it just seemed like there
were. Bird of the day a male White-tailed
Sea Eagle which flew past our noses
literally this was definitely the wow moment
of the tour.
May - 2012
same as yesterday but getting cooler and
windier in the afternoon - All Mulls special
species seen today, the otter was a bit shy
hiding along the edge of the sea weed but at
least everyone saw it then later we saw 5
White-tail sea Eagles, to one guests
delight, doing more than just sitting in a
tree. Lots of Red Deer were seen and at the
end of the day a hunting male Hen
is it still May sunny, only light breeze
warmer, OH JOY - Brilliant White-tailed Sea
Eagle today and 2 golden Eagles, Buzzards
galore but my bird of the day was a
magnificent male Linnet. Goosander at our
first stop with Common Sandpipers and
Redshank this was followed shortly by 2
Lapwings mobbing thieving Hooded Crows, all
good stuff. Good views of both Common and
Grey Seals and also Shags and a Great
Northern Diver. Ringed Plover were seen and
Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Wheatears in
abundance and not forgetting the fabulous
Cuckoo which posed brilliantly for all
guests to see it which could not be said of
the Red Breasted Merganser. The day finished
with some great views of the Small Isles and
the Outer Hebrides oh let this be the start
of Spring now Autumn is nearly over.
Very windy, a few showers, cool and WINDY -
Another trying wildlife day but with great
guests. Lots of Gannets today and some good
views of Manx Shearwaters also a Cuckoo
trying to stay balanced on a post whilst
cuckooing, in other words multi-tasking.
Both types of Eagles seen well eventually
but birds of the day were 2 Hen harriers a
Male and Female seen really well at the end
of another WINDY day.
much better sunshine with intermittent short
very sharp showers - The best day for ages
and I had to catch up on Chores, Unblock the
sink, Clean through our water supply as the
rain had brought down a lot of peat and
clean the van as we were not sure what
colour it was. I did all this with bad grace
as I would much preferred to be out wildlife
started fine but deteriorated after 11am
more rain but less windy and slightly warmer
-Pam had a journalist out with her today as
I was taking the tour, I told her to start
early as the forecast was not good and they
had seen a Jay (rare on Mull) great
Golden Eagle and Bottle-Nose Dolphins
before we had started out at 10am it is true
what they say the early bird catches the
worm or in this case the wildlife. We saw A
Golden Eagle but not great, but did get very
good views of a Red Deer stag and
White-tailed Eagle, but then so did Pam.
dry morning and then back to cold with rain
and wind - I have been on Mull for 12 years
now and can not remember a May with weather
we are experiencing at the moment, apart
from the first few days this May has been
wet, windy and cold. This has not unduly
diminished our wildlife sightings in fact we
have seen more rarities but watching the
wildlife has not been overly pleasant unless
you are addicted to it like I am.
rain all day, windy and cool - As the
weather dictated Otter was high on the
agenda today and we had brilliant views of a
mother and cub fishing for a long time, we
all got very wet, however the adrenaline
rush kept us warm until we got back in the
van and realized how cold we really were,
the heater in the van soon warmed us up. A
great view surprisingly of a White-tailed
Sea Eagle flying through the rain like a 747
flying through an ash cloud. Notable
sightings today were Red Deer stag, a male
Goosander and lots of Gannets some of them
plunge diving.
not as bad as predicted with no rain and
only strong not gale force winds - 2 Golden
Eagles, 3 White-tailed Eagles, 3 separate
Otters, 2 Hen Harriers, Buzzards too many to
count, 2 Kestrels, 2 Great Northern Divers
and Red Deer everywhere, what a difference
to yesterday. We also saw Lapwing with 3
chicks and Shelduck with 2 ducklings
and some brilliant Gannets. I saw 2 Red
Throated Divers this evening but did not see
the Sabines Gull at Calgary that Pam saw in
the late afternoon.
beyond belief Rain Gale force wind I can't
believe this is May - Highlight of todays
tour were 2 Red Throated Divers, otherwise
it was the size of the waves, the waterfalls
going up hill and the good cheer of the
great guests we had out on todays tour. This
evening I had A call from Alan Mullbirds
Spellman and went and saw a Sabines Gull the
first I have ever seen and a Red Necked
Pharalope at the same site so I have seen 3
rare birds on Mull in the last 24 hours so
there is some good to be had for the bad
still very windy with a few heavy showers,
not as bad as forecast though - the tour was
great with a very good group on board,
although we had great sighting all day it
was paled by the 'mega' rarity we found when
we got home. A SCARLET ROSEFINCH was
feeding on the nuts just 5 yards in front of
our kitchen window as we were washing up the
dishes from the day. This is only the 2nd
one of its kind recorded on Mull, they are a
rare visitor to Britain in Spring and
Heavy rain all day - With all this rain we
are getting at the moment it means that our
grass is growing really well, this means
that so are our lambs so I though I would
show you some pictures of how they are
growing. Bramble and her friend in the first
picture were our pet lambs from last year
that we fed on the bottle and now they have
lambs of their own. You can also see how
well Arthur's woodland trees are growing in
the background.
All 4 seasons in one day starting with a
heavy hail storm, still very windy - a
lovely group out today who asked for
everything and that is exactly what they got
including the Barn Owl peeping out of his
nest box at the end of the day and a close
snipe flying. If you go out with an open
mind it is surprising how much more you
Only a couple of brief showers in a largely
dry day, cool and breezy - Mulls main
species seen well but the two standouts were
White-tailed Sea Eagle in the morning and
brilliant Hen Harrier at the last stop of
the day although a lot of patience was
required before the Harrier appeared. The
guests today were great and we had a lot of
laughs and looked for all the wildlife Mull
has to offer including House Sparrows and
Chaffinches just the kind of tour I like.
Had to mow lawns when I got home as the
grass was drier, just the kind of work I
don't like. Very good spotter on the tour
today, many thanks Emma.
not the heavy rain as forecast but still
very windy with frequent showers, cold in
exposed areas - A good start to the day with
2 WTS Eagles sitting out after the last few
days of rain, the female didn't stay out for
long, soon going back to the nest to care
for the young chick(s), this was followed by
flying Golden Eagle being bombed by a
Kestrel. Bird of the day was a cuckoo being
continually harassed by 2 Meadow Pipits,
wonderful views with great colouration of
the cuckoo. Later in the day we had another
Golden Eagle and a male Hen Harrier.
High cloud and calm morning with mist and
drizzle as the afternoon wore on - After the
monsoon conditions of yesterday today was
great and we saw all Mulls speciality
species including the Otter in the pictures
below. White-tailed Eagles were really good
today and we had a Golden Eagle being mobbed
by a Raven. A short but good view of a male
Hen Harrier ended a very enjoyable day.
Heavy rain all day after heavy overnight
rain - A lot of nests could well have been
washed out in the last 24 hours as the
Dervaig Reedbed was completely flooded this
morning. Ground nesting birds will also be
under a great deal of pressure and all in
all it has been a very traumatic last few
days for breeding birds on Mull, let us hope
it is not too late for most of them to try
rain for most of the day with a breeze low
cloud - I was not looking forward to today
when i saw the weather, not for myself but
because I thought that the guests might moan
all day, how wrong can you be, they were up
for everything we could see in the poor
weather even House Sparrows. This is by far
the best way to approach wet days as you
never know in the world of wildlife. The day
started with Goosander, Red Breasted
Mergansers, Grey Heron and Redshank. At the
next major stop we saw another Goosander,
Curlew, Oystercatchers, Shags, our first af
many Great Northern Divers, Eider Ducks,
Sand Martins all our regular Gulls including
Lesser Black-Backed and Common Seals. After
coffee we saw Grey Seals, Common Sandpiper
and took in some wild flowers, before lunch
we had added Greylag Goose and Lapwing to
our list of birds. At lunch we had a great
view of a Twite and Wheatear and Common
Whitethroat were seen. A visit to a
waterfall in full flow and more wildflowers
followed and then we saw some Red Deer. The
weather improved a little and as the rain
stopped for an hour or so we saw some
birds of prey which had been kept down all
day by the rain. First as always after rain
the Buzzards then a Kestrel and
fantastic views of a pair of hunting Short
Eared Owls, my first on a tour this year.
What followed was unbelievable as a pair Of
Golden Eagles got up and started hunting
right in front of us, my best view for
weeks. The day finished with a pair of
White-tailed Eagles sitting on a rock and
then one took off and flew round being
mobbed by Gulls and then the curtain of rain
came down on another successful day.
showers all day - No tour today and no
chance of mowing lawns either so i got up
early and went to Tobermory before anybody
had woken up except for the birds and
managed to get to see my first Chiffchaff on
Mull, great. Later I saw a Sparrowhawk fly
through the garden and across our fields
towards the woods. I spent most of the
afternoon watching my team win the F.A. Cup
for those of you who watched it we were in
blue, Hoorah.
in spite of an awful forecast the weather
was cool and fairly calm and mainly dry -
Talk about friday 13th being unlucky, we saw
3 White-tailed Sea Eagles both in trees and
flying, good views of Golden Eagles, a
brilliant Otter, Red Deer as always and a
magnificent male Hen Harrier to end a
terrific day. We also saw both types of Seal
very well and had a wonderful Cuckoo
sighting, Linnet and Goldfinch were the
little bird sightings of the day and to end
this most unlucky day Pam and I went up into
our wood and had a wonderful sighting of a
Grasshopper Warbler my first this year, oh
that everyday could be Friday the
reasonable morning heavy and persistent
showers in the afternoon - We managed to see
3 Golden Eagles before the showers set in
and lots of Red Deer. 2 White-tailed
Sea Eagles between the afternoon showers
delighted our guests and we managed Buzzards
and a very nice Kestrel one of 3 seen in the
day just before the end of the day. Bird of
the day my first Greylag Goslings of the
Less rain and less windy, not great but much
improved on last couple of days - Today we
had 3 Otters two of them a mother and cub
gave guests great views for over an hour at
lunch time. Good sightings of both Eagles
flying and perched the White-tails in a tree
the Goldies on the ground. Bird of the day
for me the male Hen harrier sky diving in
display flight.
Special lead by Pam for wild Isles Week
As you
can see from my pictures below we had a very
successful Corncrake walk on Iona with 100%
of my guests seeing a Corncrake. During the
afternoon we watched the male secretively
displaying to the female, a first for me,
some guests saw both birds at the same time.
A very pleasing and long day.
rain and windy morning drier in the
afternoon although still windy - We saw
some beautiful golden Plover very close up
in the morning but wildlife watching was
very tricky. In the afternoon as the
weather improved it all happened as birds
that had been down all morning started to
appear. We had White-tailed Sea Eagle
feeding chicks, an Otter very close taking
a late lunch, A very good Golden Eagle
being mobbed by Ravens directly overhead
and on our way back to Dervaig Red Deer
stags and as a finale a wonderful view of
a male Hen Harrier hunting. Sometimes
although wet days can require a lot of
patience they can give you some wonderful
sightings, personally I think they are
much better for wildlife than hot sunny
very windy some sun, wind turning to gale
force - Not the best weather for watching
wildlife but you have to do the best you can
in difficult circumstances. We saw both type
of Deer today the Fallow Deer although hard
to spot in the woods were impressive when
all guests saw them they thought there was
only 2 or 3 but as they got their eyes in
realized there were 10 or 12 of them. Both
Eagles were seen well although patience was
really required here. Birds of the day some
beautiful Eider Ducks before the wind really
took hold and a good Whimbrel, I had a good
but brief view of a male Hen Harrier but
only one of my guests saw it.
light rain but windy start to the day but as
the weather improved the wind speed did as
well - A very good birding day with both
Twite and Linnet seen well and Goldfinches
were seen everywhere. Waders seen were
Redshank, Dunlin, Whimbrel Common
Sandpipers, Lapwing, Oystercatchers of
course and a lovely flock of Golden Plover.
Both Red Throated and Great Northern Divers
were seen as were Eider Ducks, Shelduck, Red
Breasted Mergansers and Mallard some of
which now have ducklings. On the sea we saw
Kittiwakes, Gannets and a Great Skua and
birds of prey Were Kestrels, Buzzards and
both types of Eagle and a Hen Harrier to end
the day. Common and Grey Seals were seen as
were lots of Red Deer and Rabbits but Mammal
of the day was a Mountain Hare. All in all
given the poor weather it was a very good
wildlife day out.
cloudy with light rain but brightening up as
the day wore on - I climbed up a gully with
a friend today looking for Ring Ouzel and
the views we saw were breathtaking, the
views of Ring Ouzel were none existent. We
did see a Golden Eagle, Wheatear, Common
Snipe, Skylarks and Meadow Pipits and
although the wildlife was a bit thin on the
ground the views and peace and quiet and to
be out there with your own thoughts in such
beautiful surroundings more than made up for
it. A truly memorable day.
mainly cloudy with occasional light rain
showers, breezy - Another excellent
White-tailed Sea Eagle day but it was the
Golden Eagle that stole the show today,
circling above us carrying a Rabbit before
it landed and proceeded to pluck the hair
off the unfortunate mammal with great gusto,
we were eating lunch at the time. The other
main highlight of the day was a Brent Goose
seen with Greylags very unusual for North
cloudy with light rain, windy and cool - We
had a day when we saw all the Mull prime
species with 2 Otters the first one for half
an hour at morning coffee. White-tailed Sea
Eagles were excellent today with 2 separate
birds flying well, Golden Eagle although
seen flying it was quite distant and I
thought I saw where it landed but it turned
out to be an Eagle looking rock. We saw both
Red and Fallow Deer and to end the day a
really nice male Hen Harrier. My birds of
the day were a pair of Red Throated Divers
and some more Twite, we also had a great
view of a Sedge Warbler.
Sunny with more breeze - A tough day today
wildlife wise with very little happening, we
had to wait for ages for a White-tailed Sea
Eagle to fly, but it was good when it did
and we had another very good view of one
unexpectedly later in the day. We saw Golden
Eagles but very high and not what could be
called spectacular. At the end of the day
however we managed to see a really close
male Hen Harrier which is a wonderful bird
to see close up. We did see lots of Red Deer
and Common Seals and a really nice view of a
Sedge Warbler and we had another Whinchat
today. In the late evening Pam and I went
looking for Short Eared Owls and managed to
find 2, one of them sitting on a fence which
was fantastic. Mull is looking absolutely
fabulous at the moment with all the sunshine
and dry weather the views everywhere are
just stunning.
sunny with light breeze , warm - Hen Harrier
a male both flying and resting at the start
of the day with Red Deer stags with antlers
growing back soon followed and then one of
the highlights of a very good bird day a
Cuckoo really close a first sighting for a
lot of my guests who had heard them many
times but not seen one. We saw 2 Red
Throated Divers after lunch and then 4
beautiful Twite on telephone lines just
above where we were standing at the time,
some guests did not believe there was a bird
called a Twite until I showed them in the
bird books I carry, oh ye of little faith.
We saw Whimbrel again today and out came the
bird books again and for me a special view
of a Stonechat that seem to be very scarce
this year.
scorchio - Pam did the tour today and I did
my breeding bird square around Ardrioch, the
birds seen included Lesser Redpoll, 5
different Yellowhammers, Bullfinch, Blackcap
Sparrowhawk, Treecreeper and Song Thrush, in
all over 40 species of breeding birds were
seen in the one kilometre square around
Ardrioch, we are so lucky to live here.
the same as yesterday but even more windy -
The only place to start this blog is with
the White-tailed Sea Eagles which today put
on a real show. We turned up at a spot I
know and we saw an Eagle in her usual spot,
before I could put the scope up 3 more
White-tails appeared above her 2 with talons
down, this got her up as one of the
three disappeared behind the trees. We now
had 3 Eagles circling very close to us
giving us great views when low and behold 2
more appeared on the scene and we witnessed
a White-tailed Eagle ballet in front of our
eyes, even I was impressed and I see them
most days. now and we saw at least 4 today,
we also heard two distant calling Cuckoos.
As well as the Buzzards, Eagles and Kestrels
we are seeing more Peregrine Falcons and
Merlins this spring. In the hills the sound
of spring is all around us as we look for
the Eagles with calling Curlews, Skylarks
and Meadow Pipits, it is perfect to be out
there listening to these evocative sounds.
- 2011
as yesterday but more breeze - If yesterday
was Golden Eagle day today it was Otters
with a total of 5 Seen in 2 family groups
giving us great views of Otters in the wild
doing what wildlife does if left
undisturbed. We saw a total of 3 Golden
Eagles and 3 White-tailed Eagles today and
had a brief view of a male Hen Harrier.
Little birds seen well were Yellowhammer,
Whitethroat, Sand Martins flying in and out
of nest holes Wheatears and Pied Wagtails.
There were only 3 Dunlin at Dervaig today so
maybe Spring Migration is nearly over if
they leave it much longer they will meet the
early birds on their way back. Finally to
end a great day both Arctic and Great Skuas
were seen as well as Gannets and Kittiwakes,
it was my first Arctic skua of the year.
Sunny warm and quite calm - No golden Eagles
on friday today we had 7 with some great
views just over our heads. We had an Otter
for about 20 minutes which pleased my guests
immensely, lots of Red Deer and at afternoon
tea a White-tailed Eagle. Bird of the day
for me had to be the Black Throated Diver in
Loch Tuath and I also had my best view of
the year of a Sedge Warbler.
cloudy with intermittent heavy showers calm
- A breeding bird square today and the best
sighting was of Lesser Redpoll, there
were also 6 calling Yellowhammers in the
square and a nesting Tawny Owl. This
afternoon Pam and I went looking for more
ticks for my bird list and saw 2 new species
for the year on Mull, Common Redstart and
Spotted Flycatcher bringing my Mull list
total for 2010 to 130 species. On the way to
see the Redstart and Spotted Flycatcher we
also saw a cracking male Hen Harrier.
cold breezy and cloudy - Some days you go
out and nothing much happens today was one
of those days although we saw a brilliant
White-tailed Eagle, a Cuckoo, Razorbills,
Kittiwakes, Dunlin, Redshank, Common Terns
Greylag Geese with Goslings, Sand Martins,
House Martins, Swallows, Skylarks, Lapwings,
Red Deer, Common and Grey Seals, we did not
manage a Golden Eagle or Otter so it was a
disappointing day.
sunny after overnight rain but warmer - A
very good tour today with very enthusiastic
guests with birds of the day being a Common
Scoter at Calgary and a Cuckoo which was a
first for most of the guests. Both Eagles
were seen very well as were 2 Otters. Other
bird sightings were Whitethroat,
Yellowhammer and Sand Martins carrying food
into nest holes. We also had very good Red
Deer today and Grey and Common Seal on the
same island giving the guests a good chance
to see the difference between the two
another cool dry breezy day - Another good
day but no Otter no matter how hard we
tried, we did however get brilliant
White-tailed Eagle and a good if distant
Golden Eagle. There were 2 late Great
Northern Divers in Loch Na Keal and as
always some good views of Eider Ducks and
Red Breasted Mergansers. We had a good
sighting of a Cuckoo and a really strange
one of a Kestrel which landed in a land slip
and proceeded to do an impressive piece of
break dancing for about 5 minutes, I have
never seen this behaviour before from a
Kestrel it was more like a Bird of Paradise
doing its mating dance, very strange.
like yesterday but cooler in the afternoon
with north westerly breeze - A brilliant day
with 4 very nice Dutch guests a great couple
of good wildlife watchers and a regular
visitor to Discover Mull Tours Dave Bowen
who is unique. I don't know what impression
Dave and my banter left on our other guests
but it left me warn out but it was one of
the best fun days we have had this year with
so many laughs and also one of the best
wildlife days of the year. As I keep saying
wildlife watching does not have to be dull
and boring it can be fun with a lot of
laughs. Thanks Dave
sunny but cooler with strong breeze - Only 2
White -tailed Eagles today but one was a
cracker, a juvenile which gave one of our
guests a great photo. we also saw only one
Golden Eagle today but it was brilliant as
it was close for a Goldie and being mobbed
by 2 buzzards gave guests a great size
comparison. A brief Otter and lots Of Red
Deer on what was otherwise a quiet day.
sunny and warmer - White-tailed Eagles every
where today, it is strange how wildlife can
act differently every day which is why it is
so enthralling, we saw 7 White-tailed Eagles
today but only 1 Golden Eagle. The best bird
of the day was the beautiful Turnstones at
Calgary in full summer plumage, absolutely
stunning. There were another 35 Dunlin
feeding like mad at Dervaig on their way to
their breeding grounds further north, very
late. A Goosander at our first stop was
followed at lunch time by 2 Red Throated
Divers and of course we saw both types of
Seal and Deer and the Mull rare breed
piglets and Highland calves ( E-Woks.) More
wildflowers are appearing by the day and
Orchids should be coming up all over Mull
warm, dry, cloudy but getting sunnier
throughout the day - No tour today so I got
up early and went to try and get some little
birds for my list, I succeeded in finding
Wood Warbler and Goldcrest which I have
struggled with all year, I also had good
views of Lesser Redpoll and Whitethroat. At
7-45 I climbed a hill to do my regular BTO
breeding bird survey and saw very little
except Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Snipe
which is all I usually get for all my
climbing efforts.
cloudy but warm and dry - A great day for
the Mull specials today although we had to
work round the weather to get them.
Fantastic White-tailed Eagle in the morning
and good sightings of Fallow and Red Deer
and also Common and Grey Seals. The cloud
closed in at lunch time so in the afternoon
we concentrated on Otter and had a fabulous
time watching a mother and cub for over half
an hour. The weather was improving so we
went back to look for Golden Eagle and were
rewarded with a really close aril display of
hunting Golden Eagle. Other birds of note on
a very good day were Linnets. yellowhammer
and Eider Ducks.
low cloud again but still warm and calm -
After an early sighting of a White-tailed
Eagle in the morning followed by great views
of a flock of Linnets, we arrived at one of
my lunch spots with very little hope of
seeing Golden Eagle in the mist but as I
started to get the lunch out a guest spotted
a White- tailed Eagle fly across the Golden
Eagle territory and low and behold the
Golden Eagle got up to see off the
White-tail. It only flew round for a couple
of minutes until the White-tailed Eagle
disappeared and then disappeared back in the
mist to its nest area, this was a definite
case of right place at the right time. Later
in the day we had an Otter all be it a brief
low cloud all day but warm with less wind -
Common Dolphin had to be the highlight of
the day as we so rarely see them on land
based tours. Lots of sea birds were seen as
well as White-tailed Eagles, Otters and Red
Deer, we saw 2 Cuckoos in the day and as the
weather warms up the wild flowers are at
last putting in an appearance, check out
some of the pictures below.
warm and sunny - A great day for Eagles and
Otter with all 3 species being seen really
well with Golden Eagle bringing in prey to
nest site a fabulous sighting for our
guests. Other great bird sightings of the
day were Cuckoo again a first for some
guests, Whitethroats, Sedge Warbler, Great
Northern Divers and a first for me this year
a Whinchat. Guests today were lively and
chatty which makes all the difference to the
enjoyment of the day, as I keep saying
wildlife watching does not have to be deadly
sunny warmer and dry - Another good day
today with guests who are now friends and
some Mull regulars who stop and talk to me
on the trips which is also very nice, I do
enjoy talking to them and seeing their joy
at being on Mull again if only for a week or
two, all of them need their Mull fix for the
year. I took our guests today to Eas Force
waterfall and showed them the Mountain
Everlasting plant as none of them had seen
it before, it is a bit nondescript but still
a good plant to see, we try to cater for all
tastes on our tours, not just Eagles and
Otters as we feel it gives guests a more
rounded day. On a personal note I saw my
first Common Terns on Mull for the year
today bringing my year total for Mull to 125
and also my first Orchid of the year.
some sunshine and some cloud but it remained
dry but cool when the sun went in - A great
day today but it was not always easy, after
early Red Deer and a sitting White tailed
Eagle we went to Salen Bay and saw some very
nice Eider Ducks and a pair of Mute Swans.
On to our coffee break and 2 more
White-tailed Eagles and this time one of
them flew giving guests great views. We then
had a Whimbrel fly in and it was picture
book perfect with its head stripes and
shortly after a fabulous view of a Linnet my
favorite bird. Otters and Golden eagles
proved elusive however and it was at 3pm at
low tide when a sharp eyed guest spotted 2
Otters under some seaweed a tremendous spot
which earned him an extra piece of cake
before I could relax. We watched the Otters
foraging for ages before they finally
disappeared, so we went back to a Golden
Eagle sight for afternoon tea and like buses
where before there had been none 3 appeared
at the same time. The day finished with some
nice views of waders including these summer
plumaged Dunlins feeding frantically.
another warmer day with sunshine and the odd
shower - No wildlife watching today, as it
is a Saturday and we have our chores to do,
Pam cottage cleaning and I had to deal with
the sheep fencing as the lambs were looking
to get out, I also cleaned up the back yard
and set up the Midge Magnet for the season.
The weather has started to warm up so we
thought it won't be long before the first
Midges appear and we want to be prepared
like all good scouts.
sunny and whoopee warmer with slight breeze
- We had a lovely tour today seeing both
Eagles and Otters as well as Red Deer and
both types of Seal. Very good Black
Guillemot today and Great Northern Divers
and the Black Tailed Godwits are still at
Dervaig. Bluebells are at last appearing in
sheltered spots, we are also seeing Milkwort
and Lousewort on the tours and The Mountain
Everlasting and Bog Beam which was pointed
out to me by a botanist last year has
started flowering again, maybe winter is
over at last.
rain, breezy and cold - Not a great day to
be out wildlife watching but we did get the
Black-tailed Godwits and Dunlins still at
Dervaig and a Buzzard and Redshank at Croig.
We went back to Ardrioch for morning coffee
to warm up and not get too wet for the rest
of the day, I find that guests rarely enjoy
the day if they are cold and wet all day, so
half an hour warming and drying off in front
of the Aga whilst looking at the views from
the kitchen and the many birds in our garden
goes down really well on wet days. Birds
seen in the garden were Blackbirds, Collared
Doves, Chaffinches, Greenfinches,
Goldfinches, Siskins, Dunnock, Blue Tit,
Great Tits, Coal Tits, Pied Wagtail,
Swallows, Sparrowhawk and rock Doves which
was a first for one of our guests so he was
really happy. The weather hardly improved
for the rest of the day but we managed to
see White-tailed Eagle Both types of Deer
and Seal some Great views of Great Northern
Divers, Kittiwakes and Razorbills amongst
other things. Guests also enjoy seeing the
geology on Mull and the wildflowers and
learning a bit of the history of this
wonderful island on dreich days like today.
another lovely day and slightly warmer -
Brilliant views of the Small Isles, Skye,
Staffa and Iona today, with the Outer
Hebrides showing up well over Coll.
Magnificent Otter today the best for
sighting we have had for ages of a mother
and cub feeding, grooming and finally
sleeping. 4 White-tails seen and too many
Buzzards to count, brief view of a Golden
Eagle which we lost as a Kestrel flew
through. My highlights of the day after the
Otters were The Dunlins and Black-tailed
Godwits back at Dervaig.
a lovely day with less wind but more sun
though it is still quite cold for the time
of year - Another day of Eagles today with
good sightings but not like the awesome ones
we had of the White-tailed Eagles of
yesterday. An Otter was seen and all the
guests saw it before it disappeared behind
an island and did not reappear darn it. Pam
did her last Corncrake specials today and in
the morning session they had good views of
this elusive bird, they also saw Corncrakes
in the afternoon but some of her guests
missed them. This was her last Corncrake
special as the scheduled for 13th have had
to be cancelled as she has flu and we are
not doing them next year. Over the years
this has been a very successful venture for
us and Pam should be congratulated on the
success rate she has had at finding and
showing these elusive little birds to guests
over the years.
another fine day but very cold and windy - I
had a great start to the day with 4
Black-tailed Godwits at Dervaig as I went to
pick up our guests in Tobermory, there were
15 Dunlin in the same area as I came home in
the evening. Brilliant white-tailed Eagle
today see photos and a male Hen Harrier at
lunch time. Other birds of prey seen in the
day were Kestrel, Golden Eagle, Buzzards and
a Sparrowhawk.
another lovely day but slightly cooler with
wind picking up as the day went on - Golden
Eagles were the highlight birds of the day,
although Great Northern Divers continue to
provide excellent views. 5 whimbrel flew in
as we were watching Gannets and other
seabirds from a good sea watching vantage
point, and we then saw 2 Great Skuas fly by.
The views today were special, the conditions
so good we were able to se the Outer
Hebrides without our binoculars. Some of the
fine Geology Mull has to offer was pointed
out to one of the guests who had expressed a
particular interest.
the same as yesterday - On a beautiful day I
was stuck inside suffering from the lergy
trying to get better as we have a big
wildlife week coming up. Our Yellowhammer
joined our other birds in the garden again
today Pam saw 5 Dunlin at the end of Loch
Cuin when she went to the shop in the
village. Grasshopper Warblers have now
joined the Tree Pipits in our woodland and
wildflowers are now poking their heads out
as the weather warms up slightly.
sunny warmer just lovely - a great Eagle day
today with good sightings of both types of
Mulls famed Eagles, it was not such a good
day however for Mallards. We spotted a
Mallard Duck with about 10 ducklings the
first youngsters I have seen this year as we
were oooing and aaaing about the baby
ducklings a White-tailed Eagle dived into
the water right through the middle of the
group and right in front of us and caught a
duckling which it then carried off being
harassed by all and sundry to feed its
chick, it was total carnage but spectacular.
On a more quiet front saw my first Arctic
Tern of the year sitting on a buoy, tired
after its epic migration.
warm and cloudy - Arthur's feeling under the
weather today, man flu I think! so not much
bird watching, but I did take the dogs for a
walk through the woods and back over the
river which isn't to high at the moment and
over our land. I went up onto a bank to
check out a kestrel box which we had put up
into a tree a couple of years ago, at first
it looked empty but suddenly the box rattled
and out flew a Tawny Owl.
still cloudy but warmer and calmer - A walk
down the Glen Forsa river today a first for
us and a real treat, We saw White-tailed
Eagle, lots of Curlews and Chaffinches, 3
pairs of Common sandpipers on their breeding
territories and a flock of about 14 Common
Crossbills but they were flitting about so
much that we were not sure how many there
actually were, it was certainly the most we
have ever seen at any one time. Earlier in
the day we saw Golden Eagles, Buzzards and
lots of Eider Ducks. On our way home Red
Throated and Great Northern Divers were seen
and Pam saw her first Whitethroat of the
cloudier but a little warmer than yesterday
thank goodness - A day of fewer sightings
but those we had were magnificent. We picked
up 2 guests in Dervaig and on our way into
Tobermory to pick up the other guests we saw
2 Hen Harriers both a Male and Female. On
the tour we started with some good views of
Eider Ducks then magnificent White- tailed
Eagles, the rest of the morning was spent
looking unsuccessfully for Golden Eagle and
Otter, but we did manage Great Northern
Divers and Red Breasted Mergansers. After
lunch hoorah a fantastic Otter really close
for 20 minutes, the wind came to our aid
this time as we were down wind and the Otter
never had any idea we were there. fabulous
sightings of Red Deer followed and to end
the day a Short Eared Owl really close and
the first on our tours this year, we watched
the Owl for at lest 10 minutes as it hawked
all around the vehicle, I was as transfixed
as were our guests.
sunny again but very windy and cold - A
birding tour today in which we saw 5
White-tailed Eagles, Golden Eagles, Gannets,
Manx Shearwaters a feeding frenzy of
Kittiwakes and Razorbills some Guillemots
and 2 Great Skuas. Little birds seen
included 3 Linnets, Whitethroats, Swallows,
Sand Martins and House Martins but a first
for a Discover Mull Tour all our guests in a
full bus got to see Grasshopper Warbler
through a telescope, a remarkable feat as
this is such an illusive bird and
notoriously difficult to see.
sunny breezy but cold - It was my birthday
today, one with a zero in it and we took our
family and friends around North Mull to show
the ones who have never been up before the
area in which we live. We took them to
Calgary Bay, Loch Tuath with the views over
to Staffa and Iona, Eas Force Waterfall and
Loch Na Keal before returning home via
Tobermory. The Island was at its pristine
best in lovely sunshine with all the
magnificent views and we were able to see
some of the wildlife on offer on Mull
although today it was not a priority, they
all came home more than little impressed
with our paradise of an island.
lovely but cool - My brother brought my Mum
and Dad up for the weekend today so Pam was
very busy preparing a party fo us all, so I
took the Grand children and dogs on a long
walk to Quinnish around the woodland walk.
It is amazing how far a 2 and 4 tear old
will walk when they think they are in charge
of the dogs. It is amazing how much the dogs
enjoy walking with the children when they
know they are really in charge.
This is the web
site of Pam & Arthur Brown,
Ardrioch Farm, Dervaig, Isle of
Mull. PA75 6QR